Month: April 2022

The Kind of Life I’m to Live

Scripture: 2 Peter 3:11 Since everything will be destroyed in this way, what kind of people ought you to be? You ought to live holy and godly lives

Observation: I know what kind of life would honor God and He deserves all of my love, my praise and obedience. However that is not the life I live every day. My thoughts are for me first, what do I want to do with the time He has given me, I take care of my needs first along with my desires. The moments I live the Godly life are outweighed by the times I don’t.

Application: I need to start thinking of me less and about why God has me here. I’m here to love and honor Him. I just got finished reading Mark about when the Pharisee asked what was the most important commandment, to love God with all of your heart, soul, mind and strength and my life needs to reflect that truth. God needs to come first in my life and then others and then me. I know it will be a struggle, but I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

Prayer: Dear Lord I want to live a Godly life in glory and honor to you, but I’m a sinner. I need you to take charge and fill be with the Holy Spirit and help me each day to put you first in all that I do. I’m selfish, weak and wretched and without you I can’t even come close to living the life that will honor you. Help me be who you want me to be.

Who Is My Master?

Scripture: 2 Peter 2: [19] They promise them freedom, while they themselves are slaves of depravity–for a man is a slave to whatever has mastered him.

Observation: For the longest time depression was my master and controlled all that I did. Even today I will hear the call of my old master trying to draw me close to him again. My master now is my Lord and savior, Jesus, and I need to stay attentive to Him so I don’t get dragged back to my old life.

Application: I need to spend more time with my Lord so that I may understand His desire for my life. There are so many things that I can’t do and one of the main ones is running my own life and knowing what is best for me. Jesus is the master of my life and He loves me and wants what is best for me, so why would I resist His calling on my life?

Prayer: My Lord you know I struggle every day and even now as I’m writing this I’m feeling horrible and am wondering what is happening in my body. Instead of focusing on my pain open my eyes to what you desire of me and give me strength to go on to complete the tasks you have set for me. I do love you, help me live a life that would prove that.

Jesus Has Given Me Everything I Need

Scripture: 2Peter 1:3 His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness.

Observation: I keep wanting more each day whether it’s security, money, possessions, better job or better health. I want more even though Jesus has already given me everything. He has given me everything in this life that I will ever need and has given me knowledge that I could only get from Him. Through Christ glory and goodness I’m wealthy and don’t need anything else.

Application: I need, like Paul, to be content in any and all situations. My Lord has supplied me with all I need and more and I need to stop searching for things in this world which I do not need. Not only has my Lord supplied me with everything I need to tell others of His generosity in my life and that same generosity is available to them.

Prayer: My Lord thank you for taking care of your servant. Thank you for all you have blessed me with and that you have equipped me to fulfill the purpose you have created me for. Help me today to draw nearer to you and to help touch the lives of others in your name.

All of My Anxiety

Scripture: 1 Peter 5: [7] Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.

Observation: I seem to pick and choose what I will give God and that includes my anxiety. I don’t know if I don’t give Him the things I think I can handle or keep the pain that I have no hope to lose. God calls me to give Him all of my anxiety and to trust Him in everything, so why don’t I. My father and my Lord have proven their love for me and their power to take care of anything that might come up so why am I so stubborn to reject such love and compassion?

Application: When I don’t trust my Lord it is showing Him I don’t believe He can help or that I don’t love Him as much as I tell Him I do. I need to trust God with all of my heart and all of my situations, this is the faith He is looking for in me. To get rid of my pride and draw nearer to my loving Father. I don’t have to live in fear anymore, because God is with me and no matter what He will be there.

Prayer: My Lord strengthen my faith that I will trust you in everything. I may not understand your love or why you want to take my burdens upon yourself, but I know what your word says and that you are faithful. Help guide me today and may I see you all day long wherever I go.

Finishing Right

Scripture: 1 Peter 4: [2] As a result, he does not live the rest of his earthly life for evil human desires, but rather for the will of God.

Observation: I know how I lived most of my life, but am I going to finish well? I lived my life for evil human desires and hurt everyone around me including myself. I now have the desire to live the rest of my life for the will of God, but can I? Satan knows my number and only with God’s strength and power can I combat it. My heart belongs to God, but it’s a fight every day and I need to win to glorify God.

Application: Ask God constantly for the wisdom and strength it’s going to take to live this life in glory and honor to God. I need to search his will in my life by studying his word and keeping in prayer with my focus on Him. To remind myself of my place on this earth and who I belong to, to be the servant I’m called to be and to be obedient to all God asks of me.

Prayer: My Lord, my King direct me each day to do your will and not to stray. My mind wanders so easily and I get so involved in the things of this world. Help me finish well always searching for your will in every situation. May I bring a smile to your face each day and honor you.

Christ Should Live in My Heart

Scripture: 1 Peter 3: [15] But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect,

Observation: Every second my heart pumps blood to my body and my thoughts of my Lord should be the same in my life. I should see Jesus in everything and in everything I do the thought of my Lord should guide. With Jesus in my heart I will see those that are lost, hurting and in need because I will be looking through his eyes and with my heart filled with the love of my Lord I will be able to express love to others and the need for a savior.

Application: My time is so consumed looking after my needs I need to fill that time with having Jesus take the proper position in my life. It should be obvious to those around me that Jesus guides my life and that my heart is full of love for him so that it may pour over to others. Decide to see everything through the eyes of my Lord and do not let him be lost in my mind during the course of a day but make Him the reason I got up this morning.

Prayer: My Lord help me stay focused on you and your love. As I read Mathew may I be on your right when you call me that I would be grateful for taking care of me and that I will help take care of other in your Name. I love you Lord.

Looking for God’s Will

Scripture: 1 Peter 2: [15] For it is God’s will that by doing good you should silence the ignorant talk of foolish men.

Observation: I’ve been reading and praying about God’s will for my life. I really want God’s will for my life and not mine and I’m searching each day to know it. I realize through God’s word the things He desires of me like this scripture, I’m to do good. I’m to set the example to others and how easy it is to destroy that example through anger, selfish ambitions and treating others poorly.

Application: I need to die to myself and put the needs of others above my own, as God’s word tells me to. I know God’s will in most cases it is very clear how He wants me to be, but my own selfish desires and pride get in the way and I ask questions that I know the answers to. I’m to submit to His authority and obey His commands in my life. I need to continue to study God’s word so that I know each command and that I keep them.

Prayer: Dear Lord I do desire your will in my life. Fill me with the Holy Spirit so that I may do good that others will see and that you would be glorified through your servant. I’m here only to obey you and to draw others to you since you want none to perish. May I reach your goal for me in my life.