God Values Life
Scripture: Genesis 9:6 “Whoever sheds the blood of man,
by man shall his blood be shed;
for in the image of God
has God made man.
Observation: A day does not go by that someone kills someone else and that is just in San Diego where I live. A gunman kills 27 children and adults, then kills himself. So many murders and we put killers in prison for years and then let them out. We are God’s creation and He made us special and yet we do not treat one another as such. When we look at one another we can see the image of God when we look close, but to shoot someone you can stand far away.
Application: I know I can’t stop the killings, but I can start looking at others differently, with a heart like Jesus. I can help show others how God looks at them and see the miracle of creation in their life. If we start looking at one another as God’s children it will be harder to destroy each other. I need to set an example of God’s love He has for us, because if He didn’t love us we wouldn’t be here.
Prayer: My Lord I would ask forgiveness for our wickedness, but I can’t conceive how you can forgive such hatred. My Lord use me in any way you desire to show others your love for them. Make me a vessel that can be used by you.