Let Us All Bring Glory to God
Scripture: Revelations 15:4 Who will not fear you, O Lord,
and bring glory to your name?
For you alone are holy.
All nations will come
and worship before you,
for your righteous acts have been revealed.”
Observation: To see all nations come before God and worship Him would be so glorious. Today we blaspheme God’s name, set up idols, worship other Gods and break every commandment our Lord as set for us to follow. What a terrible place this earth as become and yet God hasn’t judged it yet. It breaks my heart how far away we have gotten from God in this country, the country He blessed because we followed Him. How much farther away are we going to get and how much more is God going to take before enough is enough?
Application: God has put me here for a purpose and I need to being about the Father’s business and start telling others about the gospel. I have no idea how much longer we have, but my only concern is to do what God has called me to do, bear fruit in His name and concentrate on the person I am for God. I shouldn’t get diverted by the news and things that happen around me, but be focused on God’s calling on my life.
Prayer: Dear Lord you are worthy of all of my praise, obedience and worship. I’m a sinner and I need your guidance to bear fruit in your name and to glorify you with this life you have given me. Help guide me today to do what you desire of me. I love you Lord help me show that love to others.