Jealousy Can Devour Us
Scripture: Genesis 37: [4] When his brothers saw that their father loved him more than any of them, they hated him and could not speak a kind word to him.
Observation: I remember growing up how I was jealous of all those other children had more talent, more things, were liked more by others and I felt they were better than me. It seemed the more they had the less I had and unlike Joseph’s brothers instead of hating them I hated me. The more I saw what others had it seemed I had less and hated my life. Jealousy took over my life because there was always someone that had something I didn’t and I never realized I had things and abilities that they didn’t have. I wish I could say that I out grew that, but in reality it got worse has I got older consuming my life and making me feel useless and without value.
Application: When Jesus came into my life He showed me my worth and that I wasn’t to compare myself with others since we are all different. Instead of hoarding my talents that I did have that I was to share all that I had, since it wasn’t really mine in the first place and that it all belonged to my Lord. Each day I need to wake up and ask my Lord who He wants me to give to and be a good steward of the things He has entrusted me with. I have nothing to be jealous of God has taken care of all of my needs and has blessed me with a life that can honor Him. Who could want anything more?
Prayer: My Lord I thank you for all you have blessed me with. I’m truly rich with your blessings. I thank you for a wonderful wife, my health, the way you have met all of my needs and so many desires. May I not ever flaunt what you have given me but share with other, especially the precious time I have to glorify your name.