Treasures in Heaven
Scripture Luke 12:33 Sell what you have and give alms; provide yourselves money bags which do not grow old, a treasure in the heavens that does not fail, where no thief approaches nor moth destroys.
Observation: I’m old enough now to realize nothing lasts. Whatever money I’ve save up for something, a problem crops up and the money is gone. The things I buy here break and are discarded and nothing lasts. Most of the time I’ve spent making money here is gone, but the treasures I’ve built up in Heaven are still waiting for me. I know I don’t deserve them, but God can’t wait to give them to me. However, my greatest treasure is to see my Lord face to face, embrace Him and thank him personally for the love He has for me.
Application: I’m still here so I should be working for my Lord. I need to use my time and possessions to help bring others to Christ. I received Jesus as my Lord and Savior and now I’m on the clock and need to be doing what I’ve been ordered to do.
Prayer Dear Lord thank you for this opportunity You have given me to earn rewards that will be used when I get home. May each day be a day that pleases You for that will be my reward for now.