Daily Devotional

Crying Out to the Lord

Scripture 1 Sam 9:16 “Tomorrow about this time I will send you a man from the land of Benjamin, and you shall anoint him commander over My people Israel, that he may save My people from the hand of the Philistines; for I have looked upon My people, because their cry has come to me.”

Observation: Don’t you wish you were one of the prophets that God talked directly to you. Like Moses when God gave him instructions on what to do and say when He sent him to Pharaoh. Like so many times God hears our cries for help and does something about it. He may use a person to help bring about His plan whether it be Moses, Abraham, Joshua and the list goes on. When we cry to the Lord for help, do we make ourselves available for service, available to our God? I’ve cried out so many times and He has always been there, maybe not the way I thought it should happen or in my time frame, but God always came through and many times He used someone to help guide me. The biggest example of that is my wife. I cried out to God to allow me to end this life here, since I saw no use for it and He placed the most wonderful woman I had ever met into my life. God has used her to encourage me to fulfill the purpose God has given me.

Application: I need to be able to hear God’s voice and let Him know each day that I’m available and desire to serve in whatever way he desires me to serve. As I’ve cried out to God I need to be able to hear others cries and then ask God what I may do to help. Each day I cry out in prayer my petitions to my God, but until now I have never asked how I might be the answer to someone else’s prayer.

Prayer: My Lord show me how to be the answer to someone’s prayer. Use the gifts and abilities that you have given me to your service. Help me be silent so that I may hear your voice guide me today. Take me off the sidelines and put me in the game that I may finish well.

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