Inquiring of the Lord
Scripture 2 Sam 5:19 So David inquired of the LORD, saying, “Shall I go up against the Philistines? Will You deliver them into my hand?” And the LORD said to David, “Go up, for I will doubtless deliver the Philistines into your hand.”
Observation: How often do we inquire of the Lord before we go through with our plans? In my case it must be less than ten percent. I have a desire and I act on it without considering my Lord and what He wants. I love the scripture I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me and the other not so much Apart from God I can do nothing. Do to things through Christ means, I need to do things the way He wants them done. I forget that no is an answer when I’m asking God if I should do something and even when I do inquire of my Lord I don’t sit still long enough to hear the answer.
Application: God is called my Master for a reason and that is that He is. To find out what my master desires I need to inquire and listen then obey His commands. My God loves and if I’m sure of this then I should want his advice since He obviously knows best and what the best for me. Everything I want is instant gratification with very little long term growth if any, but God want me to grow and be ready for the ultimate reward, Heaven. That is the path he has me on the path home, but there is a few things I’m to do first and I need to inquire of my Lord to find out what they are and how to do them the way He wants.
Prayer: My Lord I’ve wasted so many days doing things without inquiring of you. Slow me down that I will sit still and hear the answers you have for me. May I not make another decision without checking with you first. I know you love and care for me and want the best for me and I need to inquire each day to what those things are.