Daily Devotional

Bragging to Idols

Scripture 1 Sam 31:9 And they cut off his head and stripped off his armor, and sent word throughout the land of the Philistines, to proclaim it in the temple of their idols and among the people.

Observation: Here people are taking their trophy and bragging what they had done to others and setting them up in their temple to false idols. It sounds like something we would do, brag about an accomplishment, which God allowed us to do, then wait for the praise of men, setting up a trophy that God doesn’t get the credit for in a temple of our own. So often we don’t seek God’s guidance and we go off on our own, looking for the praise of others so that we may be glorified, instead of living a life that glorifies God.

Application: I still want the praise of men. Even when I do God’s work that others see I have a very difficult time at times giving glory to God. I received the praise of others, knowing in my heart I was only able to do it because God desired it done. My idols are quick fame, praise, recognition and short lived rewards and I trade doing God’s will for them. What a terrible trade. Everything that I do that is good God must get the glory for it. I’m here only for Him and not for me and when I leave this place I want people to remember how I served God and not the trophies I might have left behind.

Prayer: My Lord may I be your trophy. May this life have a tag on it that I served you with my whole heart, mind and soul. When it is time for me to come home may the thoughts of me left in this world remind others of your love and mercy.

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