God Owns It All
Scripture Job 41:11 Who has preceded Me, that I should pay him? Everything under heaven is Mine.
Observation: There is nothing we can give God, He owns it all. Everything we see He has created. The only thing He desires is our obedience and love. God has allowed us to give it out of our own will, He has given us a choice. He could have just as easily made us robots making love and obedience the only thing that we could do, but He didn’t want that He wants us to love Him unconditionally and to obey His commands out of love for Him. It would seem to be an easy decision whether to freely give our Lord what he desires, but we are still fighting these sinful and prideful desires we have. God owns everything and that includes us, there is no dealing or trading with God we either love Him or we don’t. It’s our choice.
Application: I need to stop putting things ahead of God. My attitude, my desires, my actions and words need to honor my Lord. I want to draw closer to my God and become a trusted friend to Him as he is to me. I’m tired of letting Him down all the time I need to be trustworthy each day with my number one thought always being about Him. My Master can’t take a backseat to what I do, He needs to be in the driver’s seat directing me.
Prayer: My Lord I know a day doesn’t go by that I go astray and get off the path. Why is it so hard for me to stay focused on You. I need your help, please take charge I freely give you this life, take it so that it will glorify you. I love you and can’t wait to spend forever with you. May my homecoming bring a smile to your face, because I led a life pleasing to you.