Month: August 2023

God Doesn’t Do Wickedness

Scripture Job 34:10 “Therefore listen to me, you men of understanding: Far be it from God to do wickedness, And from the Almighty to commit iniquity.

Observation: How many times do we hear about people that blame God for their troubles, our natural disasters, the way of the world or you might hear others say if there was a God nothing bad would happen. God doesn’t do wickedness, He doesn’t pleasure in the pain we must go through, as His son did, but there is a reason and purpose for each trial we endure. This is not our home, our home is in Heaven and until we grasp that nothing on this earth will make sense. God want the best for us and He has arranged a way that we may have it, but not here. This is our chance to shine for our Lord to depend on Him and obey Him, a place to earn eternal rewards.

Application: I need to stop worrying and start listening to my Lord in what He desires of me. I just started reading purpose Driven Life again to help guide me to God and His desires for my life. I want to finish the book I started writing, I want to get the CIA going and get direction on what God wants of the depression Ministry. I will go through some trials, but I need to be ready and seek God’s guidance in everything. There’s much to do, but little time to do it and it will only get done if God does it. I need to let Him.

Prayer: My Lord and my Master. Give me strength and wisdom to do what you have purposed me to do. Place in my heart your desires and show me how to be obedient in everything that I do. Get me going with the ministries you have placed on my heart and grant me success in glory and honor to you. You deserve my best and all that I am show me how to do that.

My Lord, My Creator

Scripture Job 33:4 The Spirit of God has made me, And the breath of the Almighty gives me life.

Observation: We forget where we come from at times. We think things happen to us randomly or just bad luck. God the creator of all things has created us and loves us.. Why would the all-powerful mighty God care about us, because we are His. God created each one of us and everything for a reason. He knitted us together in our mother’s womb and knows everything about us, more than we know about ourselves and placed us here for a purpose. He has given us what we need to accomplish our purpose and watches over us as we go through this life. If we see ourselves as God’s we would feel better about ourselves knowing we were made by the master craftsman.

Application: I seem to forget all the time about my creator. I worry all the and when I give it to God I seem to always take it back upon myself. I need to know I’m God’s and He has control over my life, but has given me a choice to allow Him to rule or try to make it on my own, which I can’t. I need to let go each moment of every day and when I catch myself trying to take control to humbly bow down before my creator and have Him lead me.

Prayer: My Lord, my God and creator. May I always know that I’m not here by chance, but have been created by you for a purpose. Help me give up my control of this life and give to you. Guide and direct me each moment of every day and that this life would bear fruit that glorifies you. I love you my Maker draw me closer to You.

Who Do You Justify?

Scripture Job 32:2 Then the wrath of Elihu, the son of Barachel the Buzite, of the family of Ram, was aroused against Job; his wrath was aroused because he justified himself rather than God.

Observation: All of my life all I did was justify myself. I didn’t want to be wrong so I blamed others. I always had an excuse for what I did and would defend myself no matter what. I think others are like that trying to protect our pride instead of admitting we did wrong and learn from it and go on. Even when it comes to God and something goes wrong in our lives, we try to justify ourselves and that we did nothing instead of looking toward God to see what we are to learn from our circumstances. We may even blame God in front of others for our misfortunes. God deserves all of our love, praise and obedience and should always be justified, he is God.

Application: I need to stop trying to look as if I do nothing wrong and that I deserve special treatment. I may be better than I was, but I still want to be right at any cost. I need to humble myself before God and others and admit when I’m wrong and when I’m right, God needs to get the glory. All that I have comes from God and others need to know that, because all they have also comes from the same God.

Prayer: My Lord, I thank you for all the many blessings you have given me. Forgive me when I don’t glorify your name in front of others. May my life justify you and not me. May you get all the glory and honor and that this life is lived for you. I love you Lord please guide me each day to do what you desire.

A Covenant with My Eyes

Scripture Job 31:1 “I have made a covenant with my eyes; Why then should I look upon a young woman?

Observation: Some men may think since they have not actually had an affair with another woman, they held up their part of the marriage vows, but Jesus said even if you look at a woman with lust you have committed adultery. I’m guilty I look at things on the internet that I shouldn’t be looking at, stare to long at a woman, I’m guilty. I made a covenant with God and my wife that I would be faithful and that includes what I look at and how I think. I need to keep my promise and avoid searching out things to look at and purposely look at a woman the wrong way.

Application: I need to be the man and husband God calls me to be. I need to purpose in my heart not to look at things that I know are not honoring to my Lord and my wife. I need not to give into temptation and fight for what I know is right. The enemy is prowling and looking for every opportunity to make me fall and I need to be aware and not give in to His schemes, but call on God to help me with my thoughts and actions.

Prayer: Dear Lord help this poor sinner. Help me keep my covenant with my eyes, not to look at anything that would displease you, but honor you with my thoughts and actions every day. You deserve my best, as my wife does may t I honor both of you with all that I am.

Lets Blame God

Scripture Job 30:22 You lift me up to the wind and cause me to ride on it; You spoil my success.

Observation: Job has been on a rant for a couple of chapters know blaming God for everything that has gone wrong. He has soon forgotten all of the blessings he has had most of his life and dwells on his current terrible situation. How many of us do the same thing when things don’t go right it’s God fault, because if He wanted to, He could make our situation better, but He doesn’t. We don’t ask God why we are dealing what we are dealing with, we just want out and it’s God fault that we have to deal with it. Can you imagine our life without God? If we don’t receive His son as our Lord and Savior, we will have eternity to experience it.

Application: I need to stop asking God to get me out of every problem that comes my way, instead I need to ask Him what He want me to learn or do while I’m there. I have an eternity of joy in a place that God has allowed me to stay so in perspective any time I spent here in trials or tribulations are only opportunities for me to earn rewards in my eternal home. I need to stop complaining and pray more to find out what my Lord desires me to do.

Prayer: My Lord thank you for all that you have given me. I thank you for the trials I have been through, because you lead me out of them, proving yourself trustworthy, gracious and forgiving. Teach me what you desire of me in this place. Show me what to do to earn rewards in my new home and draw closer to you. I love you and desire to please you, my God.

The Plans of Men

Scripture Job 29:18 “Then I said, ‘I shall die in my nest, And multiply my days as the sand.

Observation: So many of us think we have it all figured out. How old we might get what we will do for retirement, the position we will have in the future, that we won’t have any disabling sickness. This section was Job thinking how wonderful things used to be how he planned to live a long life of peace. The Bible tells us to be careful how we plan for ourselves because we are not sure of the hour we will die. We should live each day to glorify God, because that is the only thing that will last, it’s the only thing we’ll be able to take with us in the form of a reward. Our plans should be how are we going to live in a way that pleases God. We don’t know what might happen from day to day so we need to live each day the best we can.

Application: I don’t think of how good things are going to be, I think the opposite of how bad things might become. This is a sad way to live the life God has blessed me with. I need to live each day glorifying God and accomplishing something each day in His name. it’s so easy to do nothing and I need to work on the rewards that my Lord has set aside for me to earn. A day shouldn’t go by that I’m not working on something, like the CIA ministry or the book I started writing or the depression ministry or anything that God places in my path. I need to be doing something now, each day bit by bit to honor God.

Prayer: My Lord help me, fill me with the Holy Spirit and direct me each day to accomplish something for you. Help me help others that need to hear how you have blessed me and use the gifts and talents you have given me to honor you and to help others. I want to finish well, but can’t do it on my own, I need you each day and for always. I love you Lord help me live each day for you.

Fearing the Lord is Wise

Scripture Job 28:28 And to man He said, ‘Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom, And to depart from evil is understanding.’ ”

Observation: Wisdom comes from doing the right things. Fearing God and realizing who He is and how powerful He is, is the beginning of wisdom. We forget too often when we pray, who we are praying to. God is the creator of all things, including ourselves, and he has allowed us to speak to him. Do we really realize what an awesome privilege we have? If we were able to speak to someone, we hold in admiration like a movie star or world figure, how would we act? We probably be nervous and tongue tied, but felt that we are unbelievably fortunate to be able to speak to them. Now here is the creator of all things, we should feel that same privileged emotion to be able to be able to speak to Him and that He listens and cares for us. Once we realize that, is the beginning of wisdom and when we feel His presence that will keep us from evil.

Application: I need to realize how blessed I am to be a child of God and that I have the privilege of coming near to Him in prayer. That me knowing this is wisdom and if I ask, He will give me more than I can imagine. As long as God is on my mind and in my heart, that will keep me from evil, because God and evil cannot coexist in the same place. So, as I stay away from evil I’m drawing closer to God.

Prayer: My Lord thank you for allowing me to come before you. May I understand and gain wisdom from you in what you desire of your servant. I want to do what you want of me and I want to be a better servant to you. Please speak to me and guide me each day on what you want of me. Draw me close to you that I might know you.