Daily Devotional

A Covenant with My Eyes

Scripture Job 31:1 “I have made a covenant with my eyes; Why then should I look upon a young woman?

Observation: Some men may think since they have not actually had an affair with another woman, they held up their part of the marriage vows, but Jesus said even if you look at a woman with lust you have committed adultery. I’m guilty I look at things on the internet that I shouldn’t be looking at, stare to long at a woman, I’m guilty. I made a covenant with God and my wife that I would be faithful and that includes what I look at and how I think. I need to keep my promise and avoid searching out things to look at and purposely look at a woman the wrong way.

Application: I need to be the man and husband God calls me to be. I need to purpose in my heart not to look at things that I know are not honoring to my Lord and my wife. I need not to give into temptation and fight for what I know is right. The enemy is prowling and looking for every opportunity to make me fall and I need to be aware and not give in to His schemes, but call on God to help me with my thoughts and actions.

Prayer: Dear Lord help this poor sinner. Help me keep my covenant with my eyes, not to look at anything that would displease you, but honor you with my thoughts and actions every day. You deserve my best, as my wife does may t I honor both of you with all that I am.

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