What Is Man?
Scripture Psalms 8:4 What is man that You are mindful of him, And the son of man that You visit him?
Observation: I always wondered who am I that God would want to be with me? Compared to God I am less than an ant, yet His word tells me that He loves me and has sacrificed His son for me so that I may have eternity with Him. I think that is the difficult part for most people that the creator of all things, that has no beginning or end cares for us. I believe that is why so many religions have people doing works to go to Heaven, so at least we are doing something, but to just believe and have eternity with God is hard to receive. We need to be reminded that God created us to do just that is our purpose, to believe and have faith in Him no matter what obstacles might arise in our life. To love God and want to be with Him more than anything is His desire.
Application: I need to receive my Lord’s love and desire that He wants me and that I’m not a mistake, but made perfect for what He wants. I need to seek each day His will for my life and to seek the purpose He has created me for and fulfill it. I need to search the scriptures and seek His voice and commands then do them. I’m saved and now it is time to fulfill the reason that my Lord has created me for. I’m here for service and I need to start serving others in my Lord’s name.
Prayer: My Lord humble me before you take this spirit of evil from me as I look at my needs above others. Soften my heart, speak to your servant and command me in what you desire of me. I want to please you and receive what you have set aside for me. Help me so that I don’t miss any of the rewards you planned for me to receive and may they be used for your glory. I love you, help me live a life that proves it.