Month: September 2023

Being A Person After God’s Heart

Scripture Psalms 15:2 He who walks uprightly, And works righteousness, And speaks the truth in his heart;

Observation: These are just some of the qualifications to be a person after God’s own heart. We can’t do these things in our own sinful heart, we need God to change us, to change our heart to be more like Jesus. To walk uprightly we must be focused on God and our service to others. To work righteously we need to work for the Lord and not for man and to speak the truth we need to put aside our prideful ways and speak openly no matter what. Satan is the Father of Lies, which makes God the Father of truth. Who’s your daddy?

Application: I want to do all these things, but my sinful ways get in the way. As hard as I try, I can’t stop thinking evil things or stay focused very long on my Lord. If the truth makes me look bad, I can’t speak it or I’ll work my way around it. I need my Lord to change me and I really want to change. I start out okay for a few minutes and struggle all day long to control, my pride, anger and self centerness. I need to pray all day long constantly seeking guidance for my thoughts and my ways.

Prayer: My Lord I am weak and so disappointed in myself. Fill me with the Holy Spirit and change me completely, show me how to stay focused on you. I want to have a heart like Jesus’, but I’m so far from that. Draw me close so that I may hear what you want to say to me. I love you and I want and need to change.

There Is No God?

Scripture Psalms 14:1 To the Chief Musician. A Psalm of David. The fool has said in his heart, “There is no God.” They are corrupt, They have done abominable works, There is none who does good.

Observation: Boy is this true for today our world is full of fools. God has been put aside by our society and they try to come up with ways that would eliminate God. With the Big Bang, evolution myths and just denying that God exists. When you see the lame theories that so called scientists come up with all you see is desperation. People want to explain away God so that they will not be held responsible for their actions. Instead of mending their ways they would rather come up with an excuse that what they are doing has no consequences

Application: My mission as all Christians is to tell this lost world about Jesus and how they can come to His grace and have eternal life. I need to be using the gifts God has given me along with my testimony to do just that. I’m almost finished reading the book, A Purpose Drive Life, and it confirms what God has been putting on my heart that I need to get busy fulfilling His plan for my life. No excuses there is a God and He is awesome and I’m in love with Him.

Prayer: My Lord and my God. Give me the wisdom I’ll need to spread your love and world to others. Put people in my path that you want me to touch and use what you have given me for your glory. I’m here to serve, fill me with the Holy Spirit and teach me what to do.

Trusting In God’s Mercy

Scripture Psalms 13:5 But I have trusted in Your mercy; My heart shall rejoice in Your salvation.

Observation: I wish I could say that every day that I trust in my Lord’s mercy. He has proven himself over and over again. I still get anxious and fearful, I still lose hope, even though I say my hope is in Him. I’m a hypocrite and Jesus would have every right to treat me as He treated the Pharisees, but He doesn’t. His mercy is new each day and you would think by now I would be at peace knowing that. I just finished writing another book and the key point is that this life isn’t what it’s all about, it’s about our eternal home, our salvation. If I truly rejoiced in my salvation, which I should, this life should be a piece of cake, because my focus would be on my Lord and my future with Him.

Application: I don’t understand why I don’t trust my Lord fully, it’s not about Him, but my sinful ways. I’m so easily distracted and focused on myself and not my mission. I wake up each morning in prayer, but I don’t draw near to my God and I need to do that and stay close all day long. I’m weak and that’s okay if I allow the Lord to be strong through my weakness, instead of giving up. My Laziness, pride and anger needs to be controlled so that I can be used by God and lay down this life as a sacrifice to Him and to fully trust in His mercy and the gift of my salvation.

Prayer: My Lord I pray over and over that I will trust you. You’ve put on my heart with Proverbs 3:5,6 to trust you in all things. Why don’t I? Fill me with the Holy Spirit and take charge of this servant, I’m a bondservant to you. Please take control and command this unworthy slave and make me useful for you. I love you Master, command me.

Why Are We So Proud?

Scripture Psalms 12:3 May the LORD cut off all flattering lips, And the tongue that speaks proud things,

Observation: As a society we are proud people, but proud of what? We praise others in hope that they will praise us back. We seem to always need some reassurance of who we are and approval of what we are doing. We are so busy trying to hide our flaws and imperfections instead of looking at them and improving. We are so involved in ourselves we don’t have time for God, because that would distract us. God knows we are imperfect, yet he still loves us and wants us to be better, but we can only do that by looking at what we need to improve and if you’re like me that’s a lot. I’ll never be perfect on this earth, but I need to be better, not for me, but for my Lord.

Application: I want to improve and the only thing that gets in my way is me. I’m afraid to admit I need to improve, because then I might feel down on myself. I need to trust God and be honest with Him and honest with others. I can’t give in to flattery or false praise, but I need to be a man of integrity. Each day is an opportunity to be better and I need to seize that opportunity and pray and ask God for the guidance to be better. I need to be focused on the needs of others above my own and honor God with my decisions.

Prayer: My Lord thank you for making me, me. I know I have a long way to go but if you can help me each day be a little better, a little more righteous, a little more like Jesus. I know when I come home, I won’t be perfect, but help me be better for you. I love you and you deserve the best from me.

The Lord Tests Us

Scripture Psalms 11:5 The LORD tests the righteous, But the wicked and the one who loves violence His soul hates.

Observation: Throughout God’s word it tells us that the Lord tests or disciplines His children. Like a good Father God wants us to grow and mature. He needs to guide us to do what is right and if we go off course, He’s there to put us back on the path. He does this because he loves us and that we are His. To be tested is an honor from God, even though that is not what it feels like when we are going through it, but if He didn’t care, He wouldn’t bother. God calls us to be righteous and only He can train us to do that.

Application: I need to stop being afraid of God’s testing. I get too comfortable doing nothing. I need to grow, I’ve become stagnate and do not want to give up much of my time. I need to ask God to open my eyes to do what He wants me to do and in the way He wants it done. I need to be able to welcome any testing and discipline God puts in my life, because I know that He loves me and will only give me what I can handle through Him. It’s time to stop making excuses and get busy serving my Lord.

Prayer: My Lord and my Father. help me get over this laziness I have. Wake me up to do your will in my life. Guide and correct me when I’m doing wrong and open my eyes on what you want of me. I can’t do it alone, I’m too weak. Give me strength and guidance to run this race in a way that will glorify you, my Lord. I love you and I desire to honor you.

God Does Not Forget

Scripture Psalms 10:11 He has said in his heart, “God has forgotten; He hides His face; He will never see.”

Observation: With all the wickedness on this earth it is easy for some to think God does not exist or as forgotten us. God does not forget and allows us a choice to follow Him or do what we please. He has given us ways to see Him and that anyone can repent and have eternal life, but it’s our choice. The world is a terrible place anymore, Satan has done a good job of distracting people of God’s love and will for our lives. The worst it gets the more it appears that God does not care, but those who love Him know the truth. He is waiting and hoping we turn to Him for salvation, but until then it is up to each one of us what we are going to do with the choice He has given us.

Application: I need to be part of showing God’s light in this dark place. God has blessed me with gifts and talents He wants me to use to help others know that God is here and He cares. I need to seek God to see how He wants me to use what He has given me for His glory and to help open the eyes of others to see Him.

Prayer: My Lord take this anger and self centerness from me please oh Lord and make me a humble servant before you. Show me how to obey every command and get me out of the way. I pray for wisdom to do your desires and the strength and courage to complete the tasks you set before me. I love you and my desire is to please you and show you how much I love and need you.

Telling Others of God’s Works

Scripture Psalms 9:1 To the Chief Musician. To the tune of ‘Death of the Son.’ A Psalm of David. I will praise You, O LORD, with my whole heart; I will tell of all Your marvelous works.

Observation: That is my calling to tell others of God’s works, not mine. Everything that I am and do, that is good, is God’s work. He works the good in all things, not me. My testimony is the testimony of God’s love, even all the bad that happened to me and that I did, God is the one that got me through. I need to share the works of God to others, this is the will of God. No matter what good thing I do, God needs to get the glory and I need to be courageous expressing that to others. God is not ashamed of me and I must be bold in telling others about His love, mercy and grace.

Application: I need to find ways of telling others of God’s works. I need to find more ways to express His love, sharing my testimony, doing bible studies and performing other works. Everything that I have come up with as far as ministries has come from God He commands me to use them for His glory to tell His children of His love. I need to find ways to share what God has given me with others so that they can see Him more clearly in their own life.

Prayer: My Lord, I thank you for the gifts, talents and testimony you have blessed me with. Open doors for me to share what you have given me with others. Open my eyes and take this laziness away from me that I may do your will in this life. When I come home I want to know that I fulfilled the mission you have given me and be welcomed with open arms.