God Is My Everything
Scripture Psalms 62:7 In God is my salvation and my glory; The rock of my strength, And my refuge, is in God.
Observation: Everything that I need I can find in God. I look to so many things and people to find what I need, but won’t find it, because the one who holds these things are God. He is my strength, my guidance, direction and purpose. He is my salvation and the way home when I’m done here. He holds my life in the palm of His hand and If I let go, He will guide me through the rest of this life the way He desires, which is what I seek.
Application: I need to stop living life with my focus on me and live with God as my purpose. God is my purpose, nothing I do or say matters unless it comes from God. I need to live completely dependent on Him and trust Him with whatever outcome might come my way. He is in complete control, even when I might doubt it. I need to trust Him with all of my heart, mind and strength and give my will completely to His. He needs to run this life and I must obey His commands.
Prayer: My Lord, my Master take control of your servant for you are my everything. I’m your servant and I ask you to direct me to do what pleases You. I don’t want to live this life in my power, but to live in yours. Use this life to glorify your name and not mine. Whatever I do from this point on may it please you. I love you Lord and only want to serve you for the rest of my life.