Month: November 2023

May I Not Be an Obstacle

Scripture Psalms 69:6 Let not those who wait for You, O Lord GOD of hosts, be ashamed because of me; Let not those who seek You be confounded because of me, O God of Israel.

Observation: I’m supposed to spread the gospel and be an example of God’s love, but at times my attitude doesn’t reflect love but arrogance and anger, the opposite of what God calls me to be. I get so caught up in this world that I’m no good for God’s work, which is why I’m here. The devil knows my buttons and pushes them with little effort and instead of an example of God’s love I become a reason not to be a child of God. To be a light takes power, but darkness takes no effort It is what happens when the power goes out.

Application: I need to always seek God’s power in my life. I need to stay connected to my Lord and that is what others need to see in my life. I need to catch myself immediately when my thoughts and actions become dark and run to my God and seek the power that I need. I know I can’t do this alone and it’s only through the working of the Holy Spirit I can be an example to others and instead of pushing others away from God I need to have the light to draw them near. I need to focus on my calling and make that my top priority in my life.

Prayer: My Lord please help me and be the example to others that you desire me to be. May I stay in the light of your grace and be the example to others that you desire me to be. Fill my heart with joy so that it overflows to others and that they would desire what you have given me and give it to them for your glory. I love you and desire only to honor and please you, my Lord.

Why Am I Not Rejoicing?

Scripture Psalms 68:3 But let the righteous be glad; Let them rejoice before God; Yes, let them rejoice exceedingly.

Observation: Maybe it’s because I’m not righteous, that is why I’m not glad or rejoicing. How can I not be happy that I have eternal life and that my God is always with me? A day doesn’t go by that I feel sad or anxious. I’m engulfed with my life here on earth and spend so much time not thinking of my Lord. I worry, my thoughts are full of anger then of love, how can I rejoice, even though I have been given the greatest gift. A righteous person wouldn’t be like this, a righteous person would be thinking of what is right. I’m not rejoicing because I’m not focused on the one that would bring me joy even though He is right here with me.

Application: I’m called to be righteous, a child of the King and I need to act that way. My thoughts need to be directed towards my Lord and not the things of this world. I’m only here for a short time and God has given me a job to do, a job that will glorify Him and bring me joy. I’m here to share the love of the Lord with others and to lead them to His grace. I need to realize what a privilege God has given me and I need to rejoice in that, because that is what a righteous man would do.

Prayer: My Lord open your servant’s eyes to what You desire for Him. Make me righteous, use this time you have blessed me with to glorify your name. May I rejoice and be glad each day that I am yours and may that gladness spill onto others around me. Help me stay focused on you and not this world I’m surrounded with. I love you my Lord draw me close.

May Your Ways Be None

Scripture Psalms 67:2 That Your way may be known on earth, Your salvation among all nations.

Observation: It seems like this world is going backwards when it comes to knowing God. The world rejects God and comes up with different things to worship. We have thrown God out of our schools and places of justice and replaced it with sexual immortality and other perverted things. How can God and His ways be known through all the garbage and false teachings? The gospel was spread through 11 men, students of our Lord so it doesn’t take many to let the earth know God’s way, but it will take dedicated followers that won’t let anything get in their way. We need to pray that we become one of the few that won’t stop until the world hears the truth.

Application: I want, I need to be one of the few that will stand up for Jesus as He stood up for me. He has given me gifts, testimony and talents to be used to tell others about the salvation He has planned for us and what He had to do to get that salvation. This is my top priority, out of all the busyness of the day I need to always be doing something to spread his word and way. My love for my God needs to be obvious to others and I need to be bold in what I say.

Prayer: My Lord you know how easily I get distracted with the things of this world, help me stay focused on you. I freely give you this life as a living sacrifice, may it be Holy and pleasing to you, please take charge and open doors for your servant to make a difference in a world that is falling apart and headed to Hell. Use me my God for I love you and desire to glorify your name.

Telling Your Testimony

Scripture Psalms 66:16 Come and hear, all you who fear God, And I will declare what He has done for my soul.

Observation: The one thing people can’t refute is our testimony. This is the only thing that we truly know and need to tell others. We can’t tell an unbeliever that something is in the Bible if he doesn’t believe in the Bible, but when you tell someone how God has changed your life there isn’t much they can say. For so many we keep this precious gift quiet and we are afraid to tell others what God has done and our testimony might be the one thing that keeps others out of Hell. We need to tell others about what Jesus did for us and open their eyes to the wonders of God.

Application: God has blessed me with an amazing testimony and He continues to add to it each day. This is a precious gift He has given me and He wants me to share this gift with others. It is so easy to quit, I’ve done it most of my life, but I need to persevere no matter what, I know this is God’s desire for me so I know He will make sure it will happen in His timing and in the place that he chooses. Above all things this is my purpose to spread the gospel and it starts with the book of Mark, me.

Prayer: My Lord you took me out of the fire of Hell, show me how to help pull others out. Use the testimony you have blessed me with and open doors for me to share. Bless the things you have had me write and show me how to get them in the hands of those who need to hear how you saved this wretched man from Hell. Use your servant to change lives in glory and honor to you.

Thank You For Listening Lord

Scripture Psalms 65:2 O You who hear prayer, To You all flesh will come.

Observation: Every Morning I prayer to my God, but does He listen? The answer is yes. I have a long list of answered prayers I have my moments when I can feel Him and be guided by what He says to me. I wish those moments were more, but even though I know God listens to me I can’t say the same for myself. My moments in prayer are often distracted as my mind wanders about aimless things of this world. During the course of the day I try to be with God, but most of the time it’s futile. I’m glad my Lord hears from me better then I hear from Him,

Application: I need to learn to be quiet and meditate on God so that I may hear from Him. I need to concentrate when I’m reading His word and focus on what God is telling me. During the day I need to find time to stop and go someplace quiet and listen for His direction. He needs to be in my thoughts throughout the day and I need to show others the peace that He gives me.

Prayer: My Lord thank you for hearing me, please help me hear you. My mind is a raging storm of thoughts and I can’t hear you most of the time. Please settle my heart and mind and give me a peace so that I may hear your directions for your servant’s life. I love you my Lord tell me what to do.

Everyone Will Know God

Scripture Psalms 64:9 All men shall fear, And shall declare the work of God; For they shall wisely consider His doing.

Observation: Right now, it seems no one acknowledges God and they do whatever they want. Our society is drawing further and further from our Lord. It only seems when something terrible happens that people talk about praying otherwise it appears we live the way we want without consideration of our Lord. A time is coming when this sinful place will realize that there is a God and they will finally open their eyes around them and see is majesty. For so many it will be too late but for others they will repent and claim Him King.

Application: My purpose is to help guide others to His throne. To use all that God has given me to declare that God is our maker and everything we see around us was created by Him. That is why we were created to call out to this fallen world that our creator loves them and wants none to perish, but to have eternal life. We are called to be a light and I need to start shining brighter. I need to take the focus off myself and put all into what God has called me to do.

Prayer: My Lord it is so hard for me lately to stay focused on the mission you have given me. At times I want to give up and come home. I hurt so bad and I’m so tired I need strength and courage to keep going. Put in my heart what you want of me and that you will guide me to get it done. Help me stay focused on you and give me strength. May my love for you be a light for others to see.

My Hands Are Yours My Lord

Scripture Psalms 63:4 Thus I will bless You while I live; I will lift up my hands in Your name.

Observation: When I use my hands it should bless the Lord. He has given me life and that life should be used for His glory. The things I do should bless Him my intention in all that I do should be to please Him. When I go to work today the way I talk and treat others should glorify God and not myself. My life, the way I live it, should be a gift to God. This weekend I get to use my hands to help make food for those in need and if I get praised the praise needs to be directed to my Lord that has given me these hands, gifts, strength and ability to do the things that I can do. May they be lifted up this weekend to my Lord and Master.

Application: Not just this weekend but every day my actions should reflect my God. The way I treat others, the way I spend my time, the things that I accomplish should all be praise to God. I need to lift my hands in praise and I need them to be used to glorify God. All that I can do and all that I am should glorify my Lord.

Prayer: Dear Lord may I bless you with this life you have given me. Please rid me of all my wicked ways and give me guidance in living for you. My desire is to be a good servant and to honor you with all the things that I do. Use my hands and my whole life to bring you honor. I’m a sinner and I desperately seek ways to show you, my love.