Daily Devotional

A Wife is a Great Blessing

Scripture Proverbs 18:22 He who finds a wife finds a good thing, And obtains favor from the LORD.

Observation: I’ve been so blessed to have Teri as my wife. We do so much together but the most important things are that we pray each night together and we serve others in Jesus name together. I really feel we are one flesh when it comes to our love for the Lord. God has truly blessed our marriage and I can’t wait to see what he has planned for us to do next.

Application: God has called me to love and take care of my wife as I take care of myself. Before I do anything, I want to make sure it honors God and blesses my wife. I need to put her needs above mine and show her my love and that we need to always stay in His will for our lives.

Prayer: Dear Lord, I can’t thank you enough for the blessing of my awesome wife and I ask for guidance on how to be the husband she deserves me to be. Give me strength and discernment to be the best husband I can be. I love you Lord help me show it by the husband I am for Teri.

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