Let God Be Our Fear
Scripture Isaiah 8:13 The LORD of hosts, Him you shall hallow; Let Him be your fear, And let Him be your dread.
Observation: Sounds kind of harsh that God should be our fear, since He is love. We fear so many things in this world and we bow down to modern day idols and then we come to God and pray for help. If we fear God, we would never make the things of this world into idols and the only thing to fear is not following God whole heartily. God needs to be our main focus in what we do and every decision we make. We are called to be with God for all eternity and everything else will fade away to nothing.
Application: To live a live fearing the things that I might be doing do not honor God. This life is short and I’m here for only one purpose and that is to serve and love my Lord with my whole heart, mind and soul. I can’t do that focused on the things of this world so God needs to be my everything.
Prayer: My Lord, I do love you. Help me please live a life that will glorify you. May I be afraid of doing thing that don’t please you, but search for the purpose you created me for.