Daily Devotional

Believe on the Lord

Scripture Acts 16:31 So they said, “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved, you and your household.”

Observation: What type of belief do you need to have to be saved. Jesus said the greatest commandment is to love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind and soul. Shouldn’t we also believe in Jesus the same way? I feel some of us are too casual with our beliefs in Jesus. Do we believe in all the bible tells us about our Lord or do we pick and choose? We need to believe everything that God says about His Son with no exceptions and allow Him to guide our lives.

Application: I not only need to believe for myself, but shine that light to others. My life needs to be a reflection of my love for my Lord and my goal is to draw closer each day to Him.

Prayer My Lord I’m called to be a servant and that is my desire. Each day I have the honor to get to know You a little better and my understanding of what You’ve done for me. Use me today to show those you put in my path the Lord of my life.

Sexual Immorality

Scripture: Acts 15:29 that you abstain from things offered to idols, from blood, from things strangled, and from sexual immorality. If you keep yourselves from these, you will do well.

Observation: Sexual immorality is a big deal to God. You can read throughout the bible old and New Testament. It’s given as an example of the end times and how we are going to deteriorate as a society. We can see it all over the world where adultery is normal, gender confusion, homosexuality, pornography, pedophile and sex trafficking are acceptable.

Application: I can look around and see how loose our sexual morals have become and it breaks my heart knowing what is going to happen to our children. I was raised in a time that this was not acceptable behavior, but now it’s confusing what is acceptable. I need to do whatever God calls me to be an example of His love and commandments to others.

Prayer Dear Lord I read how terrible it was in the times of Sodom and Gomorrah and find it hard to imagine that it’s even worse now in America. As time passes it gets worse and without your hand on it, I’m sure we will perish. Lord, please work a miracle and open our eyes to You.

Poisoning Minds

Scripture Acts 14:2 But the unbelieving Jews stirred up the Gentiles and poisoned their minds against the brethren.

Observation: Poisoning minds is the goal of many of our leaders today. They have used it to divide this country and pit us against one another. We no longer use the common-sense God has blessed us with but allow the media to tell us what to think. We are slowly being led away from God and His commandments and allowing sin to be accepted as normal.

Application: I need to be sure that I don’t make any rash judgement without checking the facts, which is God’s word. The only thing that is trustworthy is God’s word and before doing anything I need to take it in prayer. I may not be able to change anything, but I must not fuel all the deception that is going on.

Prayer My Lord give me discernment. I ‘m in this world but not of it, you have given me a greater calling. May my focus be on You and your desire and continue to put people in my path that need to hear from You and not the media.

The Work We Are Called to

Scripture Acts 13:2 As they ministered to the Lord and fasted, the Holy Spirit said, “Now separate to Me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them.”

Observation: We are each called for a purpose and we have work to do. Our jobs may change from time to time, but the end result will be to bring others home. God has gifted us with the necessary talents to perform our jobs and we have the Holy Spirit to direct us each day on our assignments. This is not the time to sit back and rest, but time to get busy and complete the tasks God has put before us.

Application: Currently my task is to walk the strand, pray and talk to those God puts in my path. I need to continue to trust in the Holy Spirit to speak through me and to be the vessel I’m called to be. I’m there to do the will of my Father and I need to be faithful to accomplish that work.

Prayer My Lord be with me as You always are to talk to your children. I thank you for my job and I enjoy each day as I speak to those You love. I’m looking forward to having a great day at work today. I love You my Lord and want to glorify You.

The Power of Prayer

Scripture Acts 12:5 Peter was therefore kept in prison, but constant prayer was offered to God for him by the church.

Observation: On my journeys I’ve personally seen the power of prayer. God has allowed me to see answered prayer as I walk the strand. We do not take prayer seriously enough and tell others I’ll pray for you and don’t. God hears the prayers of His children when they’re sincere and when two or more are gathered He is there in the midst. We need to pray expecting that God has heard us and will answer according to His will.

Application: I’m so blessed to be on the journey God has me on. When I allow the Holy Spirit to take over then sit back and let Him speak to His child I witness miracles. God has allowed me to see answered prayer and that He is listening and active in our lives. I need to start my day in prayer and pray that God will use this simple vessel to glorify Him.

Prayer My Lord thank you for listening to your servant and allowing me to be used by You. Keep me humble as I walk among my brothers and sisters and have me step aside as You speak to your children.

The Hand of the Lord

Scripture Acts 11:21 And the hand of the Lord was with them, and a great number believed and turned to the Lord.

Observation: There is nothing you can’t do if the hand of the Lord is with you, but how do you know if it is. Jesus when he was told his mother and brothers were waiting for Him he said my brothers sister, mother and father are those who obey the Father. So, if we are in obedience to God the Father the hand of the Lord will be with us to accomplish the purpose He has given us.

Application: I need to make sure I’m always in obedience of the Father. He has given me direction and counsel in what I should be doing and I’ve walked with Him long enough to know when I’m out of his will. Get up each day and ask where He wants me to be so that His hand will be upon me.

Prayer My Lord be with me today as I walk along the strand. Be with me as I enjoy the beautiful view You give me and put the people You chose that need to hear your voice. May my thoughts and prayers please You today. Can’t wait to spend time with You.

No Person is Common

Scripture Acts 10:28 Then he said to them, “You know how unlawful it is for a Jewish man to keep company with or go to one of another nation. But God has shown me that I should not call any man common or unclean.

Observation: One thing that I’ve learned by praying with people on the strand is that no one is common. Each person is a special creation by the Father. It’s a shame that some people feel that they are not special and feel as if they may not be of any use. I should know I felt that way most of my life. Once you realize God made you exactly as you are with gifts and abilities you need to ask God how wants them used. Then you’ll realize how special and uncommon you really are.

Application: I want to continue to walk the strand as long as God desires me to and tell the people that God puts in my path how special they truly are. To be available to whomever needs to hear that they are made special by the Creator of the world and loved beyond what they can imagine.

Prayer My Lord thank you for making me, me. I know I never used to be able to say that, but now that You have opened my eyes to why You created me and have guided me on this wonderful path there is no one I would rather be.