Daily Devotional

Jesus is Must Be Angry

Scripture Mark 3:5 And when He had looked around at them with anger, being grieved by the hardness of their hearts, He said to the man, “Stretch out your hand.” And he stretched it out, and his hand was restored as whole as the other.

Observation: Jesus must be looking around today and noticing all of us with hard hearts. We lack respect for each other and we don’t keep God’s commandments, but look after our own needs. Each day seems to be getting worse as this world draws farther away from God and closer to the enemy. Jesus will have the last word once When He comes again.

Application: I’m not sure what God is waiting for since we have turned this world into a living Hell. This world has turned its back to God and I must do whatever it is God is calling me to do to reach the people He puts into my life. I need to stay focused on God’s will and not the hard hearts around me. I need to keep my heart soft to others and my Lord.

Prayer My Lord I can only imagine how angry and disappointed You must be. I know You knew this would happen and I believe the time might be short before You end it. Help me stay focused on what You want done in my life and not concerned about the things I have no control over.

I Need My Physician

Scripture Mark 2:17 When Jesus heard it, He said to them, “Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick. I did not come to call the righteous, but sinners, to repentance.”

Observation: I definitely qualified being a sinner. I can’t think of much good about me before Jesus came to heal me. My Life was sin, because that was all I knew. Jesus came into my life just when I thought I ended it. He came to me in a hospital of all places to start His introduction into my life.

Application: God saved me from myself and my destructive attitude and now all I want to do is tell others of my savior. I want to give my Lord the best life I can so others may seek Him. This life needs to reflect Jesus, because without Him I wouldn’t be here.

Prayer My Lord thank you for saving me and for healing my hard heart. May I now be a light of your love to others and make a difference in Your name.

Time to Repent

Scripture Mark 1:15 and saying, “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand. Repent, and believe in the gospel.”

Observation: There is a part of our salvation most of us would like to forget and that is to repent. When we repent, we need to admit our sins before we can turn away from them and even though we know we are sinners, we would rather not admit that. It is important that we realize the extent of how God is blessing us by forgiveness and that we are able to turn from the sin that is causing us pain and to turn towards God.

Application: I had so much sin in my life when I asked Jesus into my life. I had a hard time believing that He could forgive a sinner like me. Those sins kept me in depression, because I thought about them constantly. It wasn’t until I was able to repent and turn from those sins that I could see God and kneel before Him.

Prayer Dear Lord thank you for forgiving your servant for the many sins I had and still sin to this day. May I always repent from them and draw nearer to You so that I may hear your voice guide me today. Help me take this life a day at a time and walk with you.

Jesus is Always with Us

Scripture Matthew 28:20 teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen.

Observation: Every day I walk I feel Jesus presence with me. I’ve grown closer to Him as I pray with others and pray to Him in between. He’s always with me and at times I feel Him closer than others but I always know He will be with me. He has given me a job to do and He does it with me knowing I need His help.

Application: My only purpose here is to glorify God. I’ve given my life as a bond servant, but I have trouble at times keeping myself focused on His desires and start looking to me. I need to constantly reach out to Him to keep on the path He desires of me.

Prayer My Lord I so desperately want to finish this race pleasing You. I want to hear the words well done good and faithful servant, but I can’t run alone. Please be with me today as You are always and guide me on the path You have chosen for me.

People Are Persuaded Easily

Scripture Matthew 27:20 But the chief priests and elders persuaded the multitudes that they should ask for Barabbas and destroy Jesus.

Observation: Things don’t change much since Adam and Eve sinned that day. People are easily persuaded to do just about anything. Today we see people manipulated to believe whatever they hear on the news and do whatever is asked of them without using any common sense. The people the day they condemned Jesus were the same people who saw the miracles Jesus did, all of the healing and feedings of thousands, but yet they were persuaded to betray Him in a moment by listening to corrupt leaders.

Application: I can see the same thing happening today and people will believe almost anything that is said in the media. I will always go to the one source that has been proven right over thousands of years, the word of God. I will always go to God in prayer to seek guidance and direction for my life and I will never go against His commandments.

Prayer Dear Lord thank you for Your word. Please always give me discernment in any decision I make. Guide me through the rest of my life and draw me closer to You.

Am I Passing the Cup?

Scripture Matthew 26:39 He went a little farther and fell on His face, and prayed, saying, “O My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from Me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as You will.”

Observation: How many times do we pass the cup that God hands us? We make excuses why we don’t take it such as we are too busy, I don’t think that’s for me or we may just ignore it hoping it will go away. God will never give us a cup as He gave Jesus. The cup represents God’s will and when we reject it, we are rejecting God.

Application: I need to be willing always to take the cup God hands me, because He deserves my obedience. God has only asked for my time and obedience, a small thing compared to all that He has given me. When I take the cup He hands me I discover it is full of blessings. God will never give us more than we can bear.

Prayer My dear Father thank you for always being there, even before I knew You. Hand me the cup You desire me to drink from and may I never question it, but be faithful in everything that You give me.

Doing for the Least of Our Brethren

Scripture Matthew 25:40 And the King will answer and say to them, ‘Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me.’

Observation: I think of this verse a lot when I’m out and walking. You can see Jesus in the people that are in need. God is calling us to be the answer of their prayers. He sends us out among His children to help and when we do we bless Him. This life is only a job placement test for heaven. God continues to test us to see if we are becoming more like His Son.

Application: I have a hard time giving to others. I feel what I have is mine and I’ll use it to benefit me, after all God gave it to me. Yes, God has blessed me abundantly and He calls me to give in the same way that He has blessed me. Jesus knows everything that I’m doing and I need to be doing things for Him.

Prayer My Lord give me a heart of generosity not only with my positions but with one of the most valuable things You have blessed me with, time. You are worthy of all my love, praise, obedience and time may I offer it in glory and honor to You.