Daily Devotional

A Fool Vents

Scripture Proverbs 29:11 A fool vents all his feelings, But a wise man holds them back.

Observation: I’ve done that, vented my feelings without considering the consequences. Others typically don’t want to hear your troubles and it seems those that do can’t wait to tell someone else. There is a difference from asking someone to hold you accountable than just telling them all your feelings without thinking.

Application: I need to be the wise man and think before I speak. If I’m talking just to talk, then that is a sign I should not say anything at all. I need to be careful of what I say and to whom I say it. I need to take in consideration others feelings the one I’m talking to and the one I might be talking about.

Prayer: My Lord give me wisdom to only speak when I should be speaking. That my words would encourage others and that I would be an example of your love. I love you and what to be a better witness for you.

Do Not Forsake the Law

Scripture Proverbs 28:4 Those who forsake the law praise the wicked, But such as keep the law contend with them.

Observation: To forsake the law is to sin and do what is against God’s commands, which makes us wicked. I hate being called wicked but by definition that is what I am when I go against God’s law and if I obey God’s commands then I can be a light to the wicked. It I so easy to justify our actions so we can continue to sin, but if it against God’s law it is just purely sin.

Application: I need to stop justifying my wrong actions and start obeying God. I’m called to be a child of God, a light in this wicked world and I can only do that if I’m right with the Lord. Stop and pray before I do anything and make sure it honors my Lord.

Prayer: Dear Lord I continue to stray off course and need your law to guide me. Fill me with the Holy Spirit and keep me on the path that you have chosen for me.

Tell the Truth

Scripture Proverbs 27:6 Faithful are the wounds of a friend, But the kisses of an enemy are deceitful.

Observation: Sometimes it is hard to be honest. It’s easier just saying nice things without confrontation, even though honest rebuke might benefit a friend. Someone I love is going through a rough time and she is the victim of a violent attack, but the problem started with her. It seems that it would be heartless to mention her part in this downfall at this time, but would it be helpful to open her eyes?

Application: I need to stay in prayer and seek God’s counsel in what to do and say. What I might consider to be wise might not be wise at all. I need to take in consideration what God desires and if what I’m doing is for God’s glory or just interfering.

Prayer: My Lord give me knowledge and wisdom to make right decisions and do what you desire. May I speak when you call me to speak and be silent when you want me to listen.

Making the Same Mistake

Scripture Proverbs 26:11 As a dog returns to his own vomit, So a fool repeats his folly.

Observation: That’s me at times, making the same mistake over and over. God has saved me from depression and has given me a way out, but at times I return to the thing that has caused me so much pain. The enemy knows me too well and when I turn from my Lord he is right there telling me how unworthy I am and he’s right. I am unworthy of the greatest love ever, but it doesn’t seem to deter my God from giving it to me.

Application: It’s not whether I’m worthy or not, in fact it’s not about me at all. It’s about my God that is so loving that He wants to give it to me no matter what and if I trust in Him, He will guide me through this life until it is time to go home. I want to go home now and by pass all this pain, but it’s not about me, but about Him and I’m to stay until He calls me home. It’s a new day and I need not be the fool that repeats his folly, but to be a child of God that appreciates all that He give me.

Prayer: My Lord I am that fool, help me to be wise and see what you desire of this life you have given me. Please give me strength and courage to finish this race that I wish was over, but see it through your eyes and help make me the victor as I continue to the finish line.

Lord Take Away My Sin

Scripture Proverbs 25:4 Take away the dross from silver, And it will go to the silversmith for jewelry.

Observation: My life is so full of sin and a day doesn’t go by that I don’t add to them. My attitude and anger get the best of me and I do the opposite of what I want. I have so much dross in my life I don’t see how my Lord can make anything good out of me.

Application: I need to fill my heart and mind with God’s word. He needs to be the first thing in my thoughts so that I can be used by Him. I have to remove this self-centerness from my life and humble myself before the throne and listen to God’s commands for this life. I need to be the person God can use and shape into something precious in His sight.

Prayer: My Lord help me please be focused on your will and open my eyes to what it is that you desire of me. My only purpose in this life is what you desire, not me. I love you and I want to please you in what I do.

Do Not Fret Evil

Scripture Proverbs 24:19 Do not fret because of evildoers, Nor be envious of the wicked;

Observation: There is so much evil in this world as if Satan is having a clearance sale on sin. You can’t look at the news or Facebook or talk to someone without knowing how bad things are getting in this evil place. Evil is from the enemy and we know that Jesus destroys Satan so there is nothing to fear. This is not our home, but we are called to be like Christ while we are here.

Application: We are called to one purpose and that is to bring others to Jesus. We are gifted differently and will accomplish that in our own way, but if our hearts and minds are filled with the evil that surrounds us how are we going to be comforted with God’s word? We are called not to fear, but be God’s ambassadors while we are here.

Prayer: My Lord help settle my heart and eliminate any of my thoughts that don’t honor you. Give me the strength to finish this race and that my heart will be focused on your glory.

Seek Instruction and Knowledge

Scripture Proverbs 23:12 Apply your heart to instruction, And your ears to words of knowledge.

Observation: I listen to what people tell me, but I don’t apply it most of the time. I feel I know better but most times I don’t. I don’t allow myself the opportunity to listen and take in instruction and to weigh it to see if it is the right thing to do.

Application: I need to apply what I hear and search scriptures to see if these are truly words of knowledge. I’m old and getting set in my ways and that is not the way I should be. I should always be open to new knowledge and instructions.

Prayer: My Lord open my heart and mind to what you are trying to teach me. Help me discern what I hear every day and to apply this knowledge to help me fulfill the purpose you have created me for.