Daily Devotional

We’ll Never Fully Understand God

Scripture Job 26:14 Indeed these are the mere edges of His ways, And how small a whisper we hear of Him! But the thunder of His power who can understand?”

Observation: We are never going to fully understand God His ways our higher than ours and our finite minds have no chance of understanding our Lord fully. However, we don’t need to know everything about God, all we need to know is what God wants from us. His word describes how we are to live and that we are to obey His commands. He has made it clear the kind of life we need to live and has given us a to do list of things to get accomplished while we’re here. We know His power is above our understanding and we need to fear that, to keep our Lord in awe. God speaks to us each day however we might pick up only a thought or two, so we need to spend more time with Him and listen intently to what He is saying to us.

Application: I should be quiet and obedient. I’ve become so lazy lately that I don’t do anything or the little I do doesn’t amount to much. God has directed me to work on a book that I started but don’t even look at any more. He has given me a gift of a testimony that can help others and talents in cooking and organizing that I use periodically. I need to be sold out to my Lord. I’m anxious and worried about what might happen with my job without taking into account that God has the power to direct my life in any direction He desires. I need to get going and trusting my Lord and accomplish what He has in store for me.

Prayer: My Lord I’m so tired anymore. I can’t get motivated and I need to and want to honor you with what you place on my path. I’m here to serve put a fire under me and get me going, may I be an example of a servant that pleases you, my Lord. I love you and do want to be a blessing to you.

Can We Be Righteous Before God?

Scripture Job 25:4 How then can man be righteous before God? Or how can he be pure who is born of a woman?

Observation: We can’t be righteous before God, only through the sacrifice of Jesus can we come before our Father in prayer. So why bother with us at all? God has put on my heart for some time that we are created in God’s image and that means our emotional side as well. As parents we want to be obeyed and loved for who we are. We want our children to look up to us and want to spend time with us. I believe so many answers to our questions about God can be answered in part by looking at our earthly parent and child relationships. We will never be able to love our children as God loves, but we can see why God puts up with us as much as He does. He wants us to love Him without conditions and wants to spend time with Him. God wants a relationship with us and not a forced one but one that we desire Him.

Application: I need to start looking at God more as my heavenly Father. My father wasn’t a very good dad and I was probably a worse father then him. There were things that I wanted from him as his child and things that I wanted from my children as their dad. I need to do those things with love do my true Father. I need to live a life with Him as the center and not me. I need to stop worrying about everything and trust in Him. As I wanted to be a proud dad, I want my Father to be proud that I’m His child and my love for Him is obvious to everyone I come in contact with.

Prayer: Hi Dad. I know I haven’t been a good and faithful son to you, but I want you to know that I love you and want to do better. May you be in my thoughts throughout every day and that I will put what you want for me first. I want to be able to come home in a way that I would have pleased you and did what you desired of me. That when I see you for the first time that I can run into your arms knowing that you were proud of me. I love you Father fill me with the Holy Spirit and help me live the rest of this life in glory and honor to you.

The Security from God

Scripture Job 24:23 He gives them security, and they rely on it; Yet His eyes are on their ways.

Observation: God’s security does not mean that we will always be safe here on earth or that no harm will come upon us. God’s security is much more than that. If we believe and trust in Him and that His son was offered as a living sacrifice for our sins then we have a security that will last forever. We are not going to win every battle we face here, or go without harm or even live without suffering on earth, but we are secure for all eternity in God’s love and protection. No matter what might happen to us here God knows and if we search for Him with all of our heart, mind and soul, He will reveal to us what we are to do.

Application: I need to stop fearing and trust in my security from God. I don’t want to suffer any pain or go through any more trials, but that is not realistic or God’s will. He wants to strengthen me and form me into someone He can use for His glory. I need to learn from everyday situations whether good or bad and see what God is teaching me. I need to trust in my Lord and feel secure in His arms and that He will fight the battle.

Prayer: Dear Lord here I am again, another day and still filled with fear of what might happen. I spend more time trying to figure out what is happening with my job and if I lose it where will I go. I know you know all things and that I’m secure in you and I might go through some hardships that I need to go through or maybe things will work out with my job, but all I want is to draw closer to You, to fulfill the purpose you have created me for and live a life worthy of your servant. I love you and want to prove it each day, help me do that, please.

Do I Come Forth as Gold?

Scripture Job 23:10 But He knows the way that I take; When He has tested me, I shall come forth as gold.

Observation: God has tested me in the past and I know I haven’t come forth as gold. I’m in the middle of a testing now with my job and the possibility that I might be out of work and though I say I trust my Lord my actions do not prove it out. I seem to live in fear more than anything else instead of trust. God knows the way I take and in most cases that is not the way He wanted me to go. I can’t do it without Him, yet I can’t seem to let go and let Him do His will in my life.

Application: I need to let go of my insecurities and trust that my loving Father will do what is best for me. I need to realize that things going along smoothly may not be in my best interest and will not grow me to be the man of God he desires of me. I need to learn to live a day at a time and not worry about tomorrow or dwell on the mistakes I made in the past. I don’t know how much longer I’m to be here, but whatever time is left it needs to honor my Lord.

Prayer: Forgive me Lord for my fear and lack of faith. Fill me with the Holy Spirit and guide me each day. Show me how to live and how to past the test so that I may come forth as gold and precious to You. I love you and you know my heart, help me please be what you desire me to be.

Our We Any Profit to God

Scripture Job 22:2 “Can a man be profitable to God, Though he who is wise may be profitable to himself?

Observation: What an interesting question, can we profitable to God? Everything we do even glorifying God is in our own best interest. God deserves all of our love, praise, worship and obedience, but does that profit God. God doesn’t need anything, He is God, so what can we give Him? I believe the most we can do is please our Heavenly Father, by being obedient and loving Him. I guess it’s a little like someone owing you money and they finally pay you back. Your glad that they paid you, but they owed it to you anyway.

Application: I need to realize honoring God and obeying Him is not an option, but my duty as His servant. I wake up each morning thinking of myself worrying about what to do, about my job, my health, my finances, me, me, me. I start my day by praying and asking for God’s guidance, but right after that I’m back on the me train throughout the day. I need to plan each day with God’s agenda in mind and to live a life that might be pleasing to Him. I need to stop disappointing Him.

Prayer: My Lord why can’t I get past myself? Help me please put you first in my life and not an afterthought after I mess up something. I’m a sinner and I need direction to be put on the path that will honor you. I love you and I do want to do what is right, but I can’t do it in this sinful nature of mine. Fill me with the Holy Spirit and guide me to please You.

The Day of the Wicked Is Coming

Scripture Job 21:30 For the wicked are reserved for the day of doom; They shall be brought out on the day of wrath.

Observation: All through this chapter Job is answering why don’t the wicked suffer? He goes on to say that the wicked prosper, stay healthy and appear to be doing fine. The reality is that a day is coming when everyone will be judged and the wicked will have to take their punishment. It is not ours to judge others or condemn, that belongs to the Lord. Also, when trials and tribulations come like Job’s it doesn’t mean that he is wicked for we all will go through trials on this earth, but this can be the opportunity for the righteous to shine and earn rewards if they trust in the Lord.

Application: I feel I continually go through trials unfortunately most of the time it’s an exaggeration in my mind more than a hardship. I will go through a trial in my mind before anything happens and suffer the anxiety that comes from it. In all my trials, whether true or not, I need to trust in the Lord with all of my might. I don’t know why I have such a hard time trusting my Lord He is always faithful, but I need to pray and trust more and put it in the hands of my Master.

Prayer: help me Lord, increase my faith and guide me each day in the direction you desire me to go. I’m not supposed to be here for me, but for you and I know some of the things you desire of me help me do those in a way that pleases you. I love you and desire to honor you direct my path.

Think Before You Speak

Scripture Job 20:2 “Therefore my anxious thoughts make me answer, Because of the turmoil within me.

Observation: That is normally how I have a conversation I say things out of my feelings instead of my spirit. I don’t think of the consequences of what I’m about to say I just need to say it to get it out of my system, which usually is the wrong thing to do. The Bible says so much about the evil of the tongue and the damage it can do by hurting others and disappointing God. We feel at times we are the only one to speak, as Job’s friends were. We might feel we have the right or the knowledge, but most of all we can’t hold it in and need to let it out no matter who it might hurt.

Application: I need to give these anxious thoughts to God. Lately my mind has been spinning with the possibility of losing my job, the bills and the taxes I owe. My mind is constantly going and I feel so anxious. In my mind I want to tell some people off, even though they might not have anything to do with my situation. The only one that control me is my lord, if I let Him. If I give this burden to Him I know he will take it from me and give me peace, but I need to give it to Him completely and not take it back every few hours. I need to pray before I speak and make sure what is about to come out of my mouth is loving and encouraging.

Prayer: My Lord help me please. My mind is about to explode and I got myself sick with all of the thoughts racing through my mind. Take this anxiety from me and give me the wisdom, knowledge and patience I will need to be honoring to you. Please remove this anger from my spirit and give me peace. I love you Lord help guide me.