Daily Devotional

Blessings for Obedience

Scripture Exodus 39: [43] Moses inspected the work and saw that they had done it just as the LORD had commanded. So Moses blessed them.

Observation: God’s promises are contingent on if we obey His commands. He can’t bless sinful actions and disobedience, but He desires to bless us when we obey His commands. God’s commands are for our own good He needs nothing from us and desires to love and grow us closer to Him. Obedience will always be blessed, but we may not always see the blessing here, but in front of our God He will bring account what we have done for His glory.

Application: I need to be obedient in all that I do. I know what my Lord wants and if I can get this selfishness away and put Him first in my thoughts and deeds then I can live the life He desires for me. He wants to bless me and I need His blessings, I can’t live without them.

Prayer: My Lord and Master, may I always remember that is what you are my Master, my loving and caring Master. You are so worthy of my obedience and best, help me live this life in a way that pleases you, for I have no other purpose but to be here for you.

Doing Everything the Lord Commands

Scripture Exodus 38: [22] (Bezalel son of Uri, the son of Hur, of the tribe of Judah, made everything the LORD commanded Moses;

Observation: I many of the Lord’s commands do I obey. I obey a few, but most I believe I ignore or refuse to hear. I make excuses of why I can’t do something or I’m not sure it’s from God. Sometimes I wish God would just yell at me like a Father with a stubborn child, but He doesn’t, like in the word He uses a still small voice and if we truly love Him will listen more intently.

Application: I need to listen more intently to what God is saying and make that my priority. I’m only here because God choose me to be here and He put me here for a purpose and that purpose is to do God’s will. I need to stop being so selfish and look at the needs of others, because I know that is what God would like. I need to try my best to please my Lord.

Prayer: Dear Lord please speak to me and honor this fast I’ve been on. It’s Good Friday and I know how you must have suffered for me so that I would have an eternal home with you. May I want to be with you more then you want me. I love you help me honor you.

So Many People, So Many Gifts

Scripture Exodus 37:29 They also made the sacred anointing oil and the pure, fragrant incense–the work of a perfumer.

Observation: You forget how many professions there are, especially now in this world. Imagine if everyone used their talent and gift for God’s glory, even for just one project, what a difference it would make. It’s amazing how many different abilities there are, I would never guessed a perfumer who made the scented oil. God has put in us a desire and an ability to fulfill a purpose that He created us for. We know our job in this world, but maybe you don’t care for it and there is something else on your heart to do, if God put it there I know one thing, you can do it.

Application: I know the gifts that were given to me. Even today I was figuring something out and I thought to myself how clever and then I thanked God for allowing me to see His gift. When I do a task or get complemented for a job well done, I need to take a moment and thank God for that gift. I need to use those gifts more for God’s glory and not just for me.

Prayer: My Lord I thank you for the gifts you have given me and allowing me to use them at times to glorify you, I ask that you use them more for you and less for me, that they will be a free will offering of my love to you.

Restrained From Giving?

Scripture Exodus 36:6 Then Moses gave an order and they sent this word throughout the camp: “No man or woman is to make anything else as an offering for the sanctuary.” And so the people were restrained from bringing more,

Observation: I can’t imagine that today in a world that is all about me and it’s all mine. Imagine if we gave too much for God’s work here on earth. Everyone might get saved if we had the resources to use media, people lobbying for our Christian rights and values, putting prayer back in the school, and getting rid of the false teaching that are taught to our children. If Christians would donate their time using the gifts that God has given them for His glory. I can’t imagine the day when someone would step up and say don’t give any more, because everyone is saved.

Application: It can all start with me. I tithe to my church and give a little to other organizations, but I can give more. More of my time and expertise to spread the gospel. Spend time evangelizing in my community, helping others both financially and emotionally. I can give of myself for my Lord, because He owns it all, He has blessed me so much financially and lovingly. I need to give back and to give to others in His name.

Prayer: My Lord thank you for always taking care of me. You give me more then I deserve or more then I can ever pay back. Tell me what you desire of me and that I will honor you with the rest of this life you have given me. I’m yours and everything that I have is yours.

Filled with God’s Spirit

Scripture Exodus 35: [31] and he has filled him with the Spirit of God, with skill, ability and knowledge in all kinds of crafts–

Observation: So many of us take what we can do for granted and take full credit for our abilities. When we look around we can see the gifts others might have like singing, building, cooking, caregiver, teacher, pastor. We see how some can do things that we can’t do with little effort. God decides who is going to have what gift and we need to go to Him and ask Him how He wants to use the gifts He has given us. It’s not a coincidence that we can do what we do and we need to embrace it and get even better and use it for God’s glory.

Application: I know the gifts God has given me and I need to work on them to get even better. I need to follow God’s leading and use them for His glory. God has given me an unusual testimony that can help others grow closer to Him, I have cooking abilities that can be used to bless others in outreaches, I have an outgoing personality that can be used in the church and organizational skills that can be used in so many areas of ministry. These gifts were given to me from God for God and not for me.

Prayer: My Lord I thank you for all you have given me, especially the skills that I have. Guide me and show me how to use them the way you intended. May I bless others and that anyone that I bless knows it is only because of you.

My God is Abounding in Love.

Scripture Exodus 34: [6] And he passed in front of Moses, proclaiming, “The LORD, the LORD, the compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness,

Observation: When I began to know my Lord and Savior I realized how loving He is. I look at this terrible world we created and it reminds me that He is slow to anger, The compassion He has shown me and the testimony of others that reveal this awesome God who loves us unconditionally. He never gives up on us, even when we give up on Him. He is always faithful and He will never leave us. His love is something we won’t see on this earth and it’s something we will never fully understand.

Application: I need to give God all the honor and praise He deserves. My only purpose is to serve Him and He asks me to serve others in His name. Realize no matter what He is with me and will guides me if I’ll let Him. No matter what might happen in my life I need to hold firm to His love, for there is nothing greater.

Prayer: My Lord, my God and my Master. I’m here to serve as you call me. May I receive your love even if I don’t fully understand and I ask you to increase my faith that I will always trust you in every situation. I love you and need you in my life.

God Knows My Name

Scripture Exodus 33:17 And the LORD said to Moses, “I will do the very thing you have asked, because I am pleased with you and I know you by name.”

Observation: God answers so many of my prayers, but is He pleased with me? I have my moments when I feel I have honored God with the gifts He has given me, but most of the time I’m distant and involved in the world I can’t be pleasing to Him. I know my Lord knows me and He watches over me and that He loves me. His love is something I will never understand and instead of trying I need to except it with humble gratitude and obedience.

Application: The way I can please God is by being obedient to all He calls me to do and be the man He wants me to be. He has given me commands and rules to follow that will please Him and I need to obey each one. I need to do things to please Him and not others or myself. I want God’s blessings, but most of all I want God’s approval. As Moses spoke to God as a friend would talk to a friend, that is the relationship I want with my Savior that I will respect Him, love and trust Him with all of my heart and know His desires so that I may fulfill them in what life I have left.

Prayer: Dear Lord I do love you, but unlike your love mine has limits. Give me a true loving spirit that I will love you unconditionally and put you first in everything I do, think and say. I’m yours and may I never forget all you have done for me.