Category: Daily Devotional

The Promise Through Faith

Scripture Romans 4:13 For the promise that he would be the heir of the world was not to Abraham or to his seed through the law, but through the righteousness of faith.

Observation: God is willing to give us anything if we have faith in Him. Once we begin to understand the glory of God and his wonderfulness and receive what He has in store for us we can have the righteousness that comes only from faith. Without faith it is impossible to please God and to be a follower of Christ. This is not head knowledge but heart.

Application: I look back on all that God has done for me and I realize I don’t deserve it, but I have faith that this is what He wants for me. I have faith that I will live with Him forever and that He is who He says He is. Now I need to spread that faith to others in whatever way God calls me to do it.

Prayer Thank you Father for choosing me to serve You and others. Be with me today as I walk among your children and use me to draw them a little closer to You.

Justified by Faith

Scripture Romans 3:30 since there is one God who will justify the circumcised by faith and the uncircumcised through faith.

Observation: Faith has always been the key to Jesus’ healings. When He healed, He would say by their faith and if we have faith to believe that He is the Son of God and believe that He died for our sins and rouse from the dead to give us everlasting life He promised we would have it. We obey the Bible because we have faith that it is the word of God. We can call on God to increase our faith, but we must first have it.

Application: To continue to increase my faith daily as I walk with my Lord. To know that Jesus is working in my life and to be confident that He is all powerful and He knows exactly where I am in my walk with Him. To serve through faith and to display that faith to others.

Prayer My Lord thank you for never giving up on this sinner. The more I know you the stronger my faith becomes. May our relationship and my love grow stronger ever. I look forward to spending time with you today and hope that it blesses you.

Judging Can Condemn Us

Scripture Romans 2:1 Therefore you are inexcusable, O man, whoever you are who judge, for in whatever you judge another you condemn yourself; for you who judge practice the same things.

Observation: I’m getting better not to judge others but I can’t get through a day without doing it at least once. It may be about simple things such as appearance or actions and yet I’m no better than those I judge. I’ll judge someone who is wearing a mask outside or who has had the COVID Vaccine as someone who is scared and conforms to society, but I’m no better. I still live in fear, maybe not of a disease, but can become afraid by other physical pains. Everyone is God’s creation and I have no right to judge anyone, except myself and that is enough reasonability for anyone.

Application: Each day live knowing the only control I have in this life is me and to be the best me I can be for Jesus. Not to judge others, but to love them as my Lord loves them. Bring a smile and laughter when I can and comfort those that may be hurting. I’m Jesus representative and I need to do the best I can.

Prayer My Lord give me a more loving heart. As I walk help me stay focused on You and why You have me here. Taking away any thoughts that are not of You and as I walk open my heart and eyes to your will in your servant’s life.

God’s Invisible Attributes Seen

Scripture Romans 1:20 For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse,

Observation: I think of this verse often as I walk on the strand and look out on to the ocean. How magnificent it is and no matter how often I pass, the beauty still overwhelms me. That is my God magnificent and beautiful. There is no other explanation why that would stir my heart as much as it does except that I can see God in it.

Application: There are so many things that I’m in awe over waterfalls, mountains, babies, puppies, children and so much more and the reason is that God put that on my heart. As I see those things now, I need to see God’s attributes in them and look for Him and be grateful that He gave me the heart to see.

Prayer My Lord You are everywhere and all I need to do is look. May I share with others the beauty You have shown me and explain to them that they are really seeing your majesty.

Hearts Have Grown Dull

Scripture Acts 28:27 For the hearts of this people have grown dull.
Their ears are hard of hearing,
And their eyes they have closed,
Lest they should see with their eyes and hear with their ears,
Lest they should understand with their hearts and turn,
So that I should heal them.

Observation: The hearts of this world have grown dull and our focus is on all the evil that is being done. People aren’t searching for God therefore He will never be found by them. Unless people open their eyes, ears and hearts to the message of Jesus they won’t be saved. As Christians we may have to work harder to get the gospel message out to those who don’t believe and we need to start with our own actions and words we speak.

Application: We are each responsible for ourselves and nothing else. It is up to each one of us to fulfill the purpose God has created in us using what He has blessed us with. Look for the open doors that He puts before us and be ready to reach someone in the name of Christ.

Prayer My Lord, you have given me this amazing opportunity to talk to others fill me with the Holy Spirit and have me share the message of love you have given me.

An Angel of God

Scripture Acts 27:23 For there stood by me this night an angel of the God to whom I belong and whom I serve,

Observation: I wonder how many times God has sent His angels to protect me. I had 6 suicide attempts; they must have been there each time. I must have kept God’s angels busy during my life with all that has happened to me. When I get to heaven, I look forward to meeting and thanking them in person. I’m sure they will have plenty of stories to share with me.

Application: I should be observant of my guardian angels. I’ve walked the strand for years without one incident and God has given me health. I shouldn’t take my life free from incidents as luck but a loving God with mighty angels protecting me daily.

Prayer My Lord, I thank you for my angelic companions and for the protection you have given me. Help me as I continue my journey and may I see my new friends as I walk on this earth.

Sanctified by Faith

Scripture Acts 26:18 to open their eyes, in order to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins and an inheritance among those who are sanctified by faith in Me.’

Observation: This was Paul’s ministry and also ours. We’ll each do it in a different way with the gifts and talents God has given us, but the goal should be the same. We are called to be a light in this dark place and show others that we belong to Christ. We are called to proclaim the gospel. Some may preach it, others teach, care for others, serve but we should always be available to share what Jesus as done for us.

Application: God has called me to do different things at different times. Like any other job I must learn a task first before going onto the next. My job now is to go boldly at the beach and pray with those who need prayer and share my testimony when the opportunity arises. I need to be a good student and continue until God calls me to something else.

Prayer My Lord, I thank you for this opportunity you have given me to honor you and serve others in prayer. Thank you for always being with me as I walk and talk to others. May I always be aware of what you call me to do and that I will be obedient to your calling.