People Are Persuaded Easily
Scripture Matthew 27:20 But the chief priests and elders persuaded the multitudes that they should ask for Barabbas and destroy Jesus.
Observation: Things don’t change much since Adam and Eve sinned that day. People are easily persuaded to do just about anything. Today we see people manipulated to believe whatever they hear on the news and do whatever is asked of them without using any common sense. The people the day they condemned Jesus were the same people who saw the miracles Jesus did, all of the healing and feedings of thousands, but yet they were persuaded to betray Him in a moment by listening to corrupt leaders.
Application: I can see the same thing happening today and people will believe almost anything that is said in the media. I will always go to the one source that has been proven right over thousands of years, the word of God. I will always go to God in prayer to seek guidance and direction for my life and I will never go against His commandments.
Prayer Dear Lord thank you for Your word. Please always give me discernment in any decision I make. Guide me through the rest of my life and draw me closer to You.