Category: Daily Devotional

What Could Happen if God Doesn’t Answer

Scripture Lamentations 4:5 Those who ate delicacies
Are desolate in the streets;
Those who were brought up in scarlet
Embrace ash heaps.

Observation: I just wrote in a post about Venezuela when they went under Socialism what happened to this prosperous country. This scripture verse describes it. I feel as if God has called us to pray to Him as in 2 Chronicles 7:14, because without Him we could lose this country.

Application: I feel that God is calling me to pray for my country and has directed me to have another T-shirt made that states “Will you pray with me for America?” I plan on getting it made today and start wearing it as soon as it is done.

Prayer Dear Lord only You can save this country and I pray that You will have mercy. We have turned evil and don’t deserve your grace, but please listen to the prayers of your saints and heal our fallen land.

We Have No Right to Complain

Scripture Lamentations 3:39 Why should a living man complain,
A man for the punishment of his sins?

Observation: We don’t like to be punished, whether we deserve it or not. We’ll go to great lengths to justify or case, but in our hearts, we know we are wrong. However punishment is good, we learn from our mistakes more quickly. If we never punished our children they would be totally out of control.

Application: Instead of complaining about being punished for the wrong that I do, I need to repent and understand what I did and to never do it again. These are opportunities for me to be more like Jesus and to fulfill the purpose God has created me for.

Prayer My Lord I think at times I’m doing well, but know in my heart you deserve so much more. May I not try to cover up my sin, but accept my punishment and learn not do to it again. If you didn’t love me as much as you do you wouldn’t discipline your child.

Our Enemies Rejoice

Scripture Lamentations 2:16 All your enemies have opened their mouth against you;
They hiss and gnash their teeth.
They say, “We have swallowed her up!
Surely this is the day we have waited for;
We have found it, we have seen it!”

Observation: This could be America. Our enemies both domestic and abroad have been waiting for the day that we lose our independence. They want us to suffer and be part of the one world order and take our riches. We have been disobedient to our God and unless we repent, humble ourselves and seek His face and beg for forgiveness and mercy our enemies may have their way.

Application: God has put on my heart to pray 2 Chronicles 7:14 and to pray for my country. To encourage others to pray and seek God’s face that He may show favor to us. To pray for our President and his family that they will be kept safe.

Prayer Dear Lord I humbly come before you. Draw me close to You that I will know You better. Show me any wickedness in my heart that I may repent. Please Lord save this country and that we will turn back to You. Only You can do this, please heal this land.

The Lord is Righteous

Scripture Lamentations 1:18 “The LORD is righteous,
For I rebelled against His commandment.
Hear now, all peoples,
And behold my sorrow;
My virgins and my young men
Have gone into captivity.

Observation: We see all the evil around us and some ask where is God? We forget we are getting what we deserve, because the Lord is righteous and merciful. If we received all that we deserve from the evil we have done or evil we ignored none of us would exist. I’m not sure why God hasn’t put an end to this world as He did in the days of Noah, but He is patient.

Application: No matter what happens to me I must seek God and His righteousness. I realize I don’t deserve His love and why He puts up with me I don’t understand. I need to be the best child I can be for my Father and obey all of His commands. I’m her to serve not receive.

Prayer My Lord I know that you are righteous and just. I need your guidance each day to stay on the path that You have chosen for me. I love You Lord and my desire is to honor and glorify Your name.

Jesus Changed Our Prison Garments

Scripture Jeremiah 52:33 So Jehoiachin changed from his prison garments, and he ate bread regularly before the king all the days of his life.

Observation: When I read this verse the first thing that came to mind was how I was a prisoner of sin most of my life, but when Jesus came into my life that changed and He freed me. He took away my prison cloths and dressed me in His righteousness, which I don’t deserve. He feeds me each day form the table of grace and I need for nothing with Him in my life.

Application: I need to have an attitude of gratitude for what Jesus has done for me. Each day I need to thank Him for freeing me from the terrible prison I was in and giving me hope and a purpose. I need to use this freedom to help free other prisoners that are being held captive by Satan, by introducing them to the great redeemer.

Prayer My Lord, thank you for your mercy, for setting me free from the chains I was bond with most of my life. May I use this freedom to serve you each day and show my love for you.

The Days Are Coming

Scripture Jeremiah 51:47 Therefore behold, the days are coming
That I will bring judgment on the carved images of Babylon;
Her whole land shall be ashamed,
And all her slain shall fall in her midst.

Observation: The day is coming when God will judge this nation. We have gone so far from God’s commands and we deserve the judgement God will bring. We are killing each other and have divided the people in America and have put evil leaders in charge. We Christians do so little and complain about what is happening. It’s not that our country is being destroyed by evil people, but that God’s children are doing very little to stop it.

Application: I need to get rid of my hate and fill my heart with love. To draw closer to God that I might hear His voice and be guided by His will. I need to stop complaining and ask God what He wants of me, to be the light He calls me to be.

Prayer My Lord I’m yours help me please do what You want of me. Take this laziness from me and give me strength to finish this race in glory and honor to You.

The Lord of Hosts

Scripture Jeremiah 50:34 Their Redeemer is strong;
The LORD of hosts is His name.
He will thoroughly plead their case,
That He may give rest to the land,
And disquiet the inhabitants of Babylon.

Observation: With everything that is happening the people in America feel lost. There doesn’t seem to be anything we can do and our leaders don’t care. There is someone much stronger than what happens in this world and any leader. Jesus is our redeemer and Lord of hosts. Nothing that is happening now is of any surprise to Him and He is waiting for us to call on Him for justice. He has always been faithful and will give His children justice, whether here and now or when we get home.

Application: Not to get to involved in the things of this world, but to trust in the Lord with all of my heart and mind. To be an encouragement to others instead of fueling the flames of this destructive world. Continue to pray and seek God.

Prayer My Lord this world is falling apart and it seems as if Satan is having his way. I know your unfailing love and I realize we don’t deserve it. Strengthen your children and show us the way.