Category: Daily Devotional

Return to the Lord

Scripture Hosea 6:1 Come, and let us return to the LORD;
For He has torn, but He will heal us;
He has stricken, but He will bind us up.

Observation: This country needs to return to the Lord. We have drifted so far away from Him and have done so much evil. We deserve the trials we have been going through, but if we go and seek His face, He will heal us and this land. He loves us and as a good Father we need to be disciplined and run back to our Dad with repented hearts.

Application: We need to learn to live for our Father. He knows what is best for us and He loves us more than anything on this earth can love us. We need to repent and turn from our wicked ways and live the life He calls us to live.

Prayer Dear Lord my mind is evil and I’m swayed so easily. Please keep me close to you and may I be holy in your sight. Be with me today and lead me on the path you have chosen for me. I’m your creation, servant and child teach me your ways.

Acknowledging Our Offense

Scripture Hosea 5:15 I will return again to My place
Till they acknowledge their offense.
Then they will seek My face;
In their affliction they will earnestly seek Me.”

Observation: Is God saying until we acknowledge our sins, He will stay put in heaven and not heal our land? 2 Chronicles says the same thing, unless we humble ourselves seek His face and pray, He won’t heal our land. This country has turned our back on our Lord and have done some very wicked things and have tried to remove God from our nation and it looks as if it worked. Fortunately, the scripture states if my people who are called by my name. He knows the world is full of evil and God is looking for just His people to repent and ask for a healing of this nation.

Application: I need to search my own heart to see if there is any wicked ways in me and ask for forgiveness for those things and turn from them and then ask for a healing of this nation. Not sure if this is the end times or if God is allowing us another chance to turn to Him. I need to do whatever God calls me to do and to lead others to our Lord.

Prayer Dear Lord open my eyes to whatever evil I do. Humble me so that I may see it and turn from it so that I may have your forgiveness. At times I feel so righteous, but I know the evil that lies in my heart. Show me what you desire and give me strength to do it.

We Break All Restraint

Scripture Hosea 4:2 By swearing and lying,
Killing and stealing and committing adultery,
They break all restraint,
With bloodshed upon bloodshed.

Observation: This sounds like our nation now. We have drawn so far away from God and have become a godless nation. We’ve taken God out of our schools and government and have closed His churches. We don’t keep his commands and continue to sin to a point that it becomes accepted. Unless we turn from our wicked ways and bring God back into our country we are going to suffer the consequences.

Application: God has called us each to a purpose. He has called me to be available to others with prayer and laughter. It feels wonderful to be able to make others laugh even with a corny joke, but to see the smile on someone’s face is precious not only to me but to my Lord. May I not take this gift for granted, but use it knowing that God gave it to me to give to others.

Prayer My Lord in the past I always wanted to be someone else, but now I see your purpose in my life and I thank you for making me, me. May I continue each day to be the best I can be to glorify You.

Return and Seek the Lord

Scripture Hosea 3:5 Afterward the children of Israel shall return and seek the LORD their God and David their king. They shall fear the LORD and His goodness in the latter days.

Observation: This chapter tells how Israel first strayed from God and worshipped idols, much like America is doing now. Our country is surrounded by evil and we are worshipping everything, but God. I pray this scripture will be true for us that America would seek God and fear Him that we would turn from our wicked ways and receive Him as our Lord and Savior.

Application: I spent most of my life seeking something that would make me happy. I worshipped my job, money and the things that money would buy and never found peace. My God is what I always needed and wanted and when I finally figured that out my life changed. I don’t need anything else but my God in my life.

Prayer Dear Lord You are my everything. May I stay close to You that I may hear your commands for your servant. I love serving You.

We Are God’s People

Scripture Hosea 2:23 Then I will sow her for Myself in the earth,
And I will have mercy on her who had not obtained mercy;
Then I will say to those who were not My people,
‘You are My people!’
And they shall say, ‘You are my God!

Observation: We didn’t used to be God’s people. There was a time that we received Jesus as our Lord and Savior, but before that we were destined for Hell. God received us as we made that commitment to Him and called us His children and now, we need to stand in front of others and claim that he is our God. This should never be a secret but a proclamation of our love for God.

Application: Everyone God puts in my path needs to know that I belong to God. My actions and words need to point to my love for Him. It can’t be a on again off again relationship but a total commitment to my God.

Prayer My Lord thank you for allowing me to be yours. Show me how to love You in a way that will be pleasing to you. May my love for You be obvious to everyone You put in my path today. I love you now and will love you forever.

God Will Not be Our God?

Scripture Hosea 1:9 Then God said:
“Call his name Lo-Ammi,
For you are not My people,
And I will not be your God.

Observation: We can’t blame God if He no longer wants to be our God. Most of the nation already refuses Him as their God. We have strayed so far over the last few decades getting worse each year. We say God Bless America, but there is no reason He should. We don’t worship or honor Him until we need Him and don’t realize that we need Him all of the time.

Application: To represent God the best that I can. Be obedient in whatever He calls me to do and serve Him wholeheartedly. To spread the gospel and be the best light I can be. God deserves the best we have and the thought of Him saying He will not be our God should scare everyone.

Prayer Dear Lord help me today to spread the word of your love. Put those in my path that have a hard heart and need the heart of flesh that only You can give them. You are my God may I never forsake You.

Waiting for My Inheritance

Scripture Daniel 12:13 “But you, go your way till the end; for you shall rest, and will arise to your inheritance at the end of the days.”

Observation: I know I don’t deserve rewards or an inheritance, but my Heavenly Dad wants to give them to me. He loves me and I don’t understand why, but I knew He does. I know I have a place in Heaven thanks to my Lord and Savior, again another undeserved gift. Rewards are translated wages and what we do for God is our wages. Going down to the beach each day I feel is part of my job, but when I do it God blesses me so much, I would think that was reward enough.

Application: I need to work every day and introduce as many as I can to my boss. It sure doesn’t seem like work and I look forward every day to go there. I worked in the food service industry all of my working years and it came naturally to me and I feel I was very good at it. However, this job fits me even better and I’m a very happy employee.

Prayer Oh Lord, I love You so much and I know You know that. I thank you for the job You have given me to do. May I complete my tasks in a way that always makes you proud. May I open the eyes of any one that you place in my path of the greatest boss ever. May I always strive to be employee of the month.