Category: Daily Devotional

What Comes From the Heart

Scripture: Matthew 15: [18] But the things that come out of the mouth come from the heart, and these make a man `unclean.’

Observation: That is me if I’m feeling something I would just blurt it out without taking in consideration the other person’s feeling or how I might be dishonoring God in the words I say.. No sense saying I didn’t mean it because I most obviously was and the damage has been done. The damage has been done and what I said determines who I am to that person.

Application: I need to think and pray before I say anything, always checking my heart for what would honor God. Fill my heart with love for others as God has for me. If my heart is full of love all that will come out of my mouth will be encouraging, loving and caring words.

Prayer: Dear Lord I’m a sinner and I thank you for your love and grace in my life. Show me how to extend your love to others with the words I use and the manner I use them. Fill my heart with your love so it may overflow to others.

Jesus’ Compassion

Scripture: Matthew 14: [14] When Jesus landed and saw a large crowd, he had compassion on them and healed their sick.

Observation: It is so hard to understand Jesus’ compassion for us. I know it was something I don’t deserve yet I know he cares and loves me. It is something you can’t earn and don’t deserve, but he gives it so freely. So I won’t attempt to understand, but just freely accept it as my gift given from God.

Application: To live the best life I can in appreciation of God’s love for me. I know I can’t earn it, but I need to do my best to bring some joy to my Lord who continually gives me joy, peace, love, protection and a reason to go one each day.

Prayer: Dear Lord I thank you for who you are and the compassion you have on this sinner. Help me fulfill the purpose you have created me for and guide me each day to be this man you call me to be. I’m here only for you, help me show you.

Why am I so Afraid?

Scripture: Mathew 8:26 He replied, “You of little faith, why are you so afraid?” Then he got up and rebuked the winds and the waves, and it was completely calm.

Observation: My faith must be weak because a day doesn’t go by that I don’t worry about something. I live most of my life in fear, yet I don’t know what I’m afraid of. God has worked miracles in my life and yet even after experiencing these miracles I still doubt.

Application: My fear comes from a lack of faith. I need to trust my Lord with all my heart. God put this on my heart a few years ago. Proverbs 3:5, 6 and yet I still have a hard time trusting. I need to give my whole life to Christ, it’s his anyway. Every time I worry or over plan I need to stop and know Christ is with me.

Prayer: Dear Lord increase my faith for you are trustworthy and true. I dedicate this life to you, guide me this day to glorify you. Take this fear from me and fill me with your love.

I Want to Produce a Crop

Scripture: Matthew 13: [23] But the one who received the seed that fell on good soil is the man who hears the word and understands it. He produces a crop, yielding a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown.”

Observation: I feel the seed fell on good soil when I received the word, yet I have not produced a crop in accordance to what was given me. I hear the word and a day doesn’t go by that I don’t read the word and each day I understand more what is in it. Yet I’m not putting everything into practice. I’m not allowing the nutrients of God’s love to enter me so that I may grow and reproduce the crop.

Application: This life was not given to me for me alone. I’m here to share what I have whether possessions, time or the knowledge I’ve been given. I’m to go out and spread the word to find the good soil so others may be saved by the grace that was given to me.

Prayer: Dear Lord thank you for counting me worthy of the hope you have given me. Strengthen my knowledge of the word and what I’m to do as your servant. You are worthy of all that I have and am use me to produce a crop in glory and honor to your name.

Being Jesus’ Brother

Scripture: Matthew 12: [50] For whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother.”

Observation: That is my purpose to do the will of the Father at all times. I fall short of that goal and my thoughts for my will overrides the will of the Father more times than not, but besides pleasing God which is the ultimate pleasure I can also be Jesus’ brother, how can I not want all of that?

Application: Before making any decision or doing anything I should ask myself why, is this God’s will, will it please him and draw me closer to my true family. My focus when I get up in the morning is to do the will of God and plan out how to do that.

Prayer: Dear Father show me how to do your will, direct me in the things that will please you this day and each day that I’m here. Grow me near to you and show me the purpose you have created me for and then show me how to fulfill that purpose in glory and honor to your name.

Weary and Burdened

Scripture: Matthew 11: 28 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.

Observation: That is me wearied and burdened because of the way I Choose to live this life. I worry about so many things even though my God tells me not to. I’m burdened because I choose to fill my life with anxiety instead of trusting my Lord has he directs me. I do everything the opposite of how God directs me and I wonder why I have no peace.

Application: All I need to do is come to him and obey him. Peace rests in God not in me and I need to free myself of the bondage of living this life my way and trust in my God and do as he calls me to do.

Prayer: Dear Lord help me to obey you each day. Direct my path and guide me through this life in a way that it will honor you. I’m here to serve you only show me how to be obedient in that.

May God Speak Through Me

Scripture: Matthew 10: [20] for it will not be you speaking, but the Spirit of your Father speaking through you.

Observation: I worry about what to say at times. I try to come up with this great speech to impress others or worry about praying with others. It is not my job to determine what to say my job is to have faith enough to approach a situation with confidence that God will use me.

Application: To trust in my God who is so trustworthy. To be bold knowing God is with me and has a plan for my life. To make fulfilling that plan my number one purpose in my life and allowing God to work that plan out.

Prayer: Dear Lord increase my faith. Show me how to be bold and trusting so I may fulfill the purpose you have created me for. You are worthy of my best help me give that to you.