Category: Daily Devotional


Scripture: Mathew 1: [23] “The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel” –which means, “God with us.”

Observation: So much of the time I forget God is with us. I pray and look up to heaven and forget He is kneeling next to me, He is at work when I’m stressed, He is beside me when I’m feeling down or confused. He is everywhere I go and all I have to do is turn to Him for direction.

Application: Next time I get caught up in this world and begin to feel lost or sorry for myself I’m going to turn next to me and ask my Lord what do you want me to do or can I have a hug, I need comfort or remind me again why I’m here.

Prayer: My Lord thank you for thank you for always being there for me. May I continue to draw closer to you as I know you are with me.

Lack of Faith

Scripture: Mark 6:6 And he was amazed at their lack of faith

Observation: I believe God must look at me at times with amazement of my lack of faith. He has gotten me through so many hard times and has blessed me with a wonderful life. Yet as soon as a problem comes up instead of turning to him and remembering all He has done I immediately start to worry and wonder how I’m going to get out of this trouble.

Application: I need to focus on my God and not my problems. Also to trust in him and learn through my trials

Prayer: Lord increase my faith that I will trust you with all my heart and not lean on my own understanding but in all things acknowledge you and then you will make my paths straight.

The Lord has Done Much

Scripture: Mark 5:19 Jesus did not let him, but said, “Go home to your family and tell them how much the Lord has done for you, and how He has had mercy on you.”

Observation: When I was first saved people in my life saw the difference in me and I told everyone what Jesus had done for me. Lately I’ve been not as outspoken as I should be. He continues to work in me and shows me mercy each day and I should be sharing that with others and they should be able to see that in my life.

Application: We are here to spread the gospel, but first we need to introduce others to Jesus and tell them why we love him.

I’m Afraid

Scripture: Mark 4:40 He said to his disciples, “Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?”

Observation: I’ve been worrying about so many things lately. I’m really afraid of what might happen with my job and health. I can’t stop thinking negative thoughts and realize it’s because of my lack of faith. God has got me through so many things and yet I quickly forget and start worrying as soon as something comes up.

Application: I need to receive God’s protection and have faith that He is in control. When ever I begin to worry I need to start praying.

Prayer: Lord you are in control give me guidance and fill my heart with your love. Increase my faith.

I am will Pleased

Scripture: Mark 1:11 And a voice came from heaven: “You are my son, whom I love, with you I am well pleased.”

Observation: There are two statements that God can say of me I am his child and that He loves me. I wish I could say He is pleased with me, but I know that is where I fall short. Each day I fall short of doing what He desires and get caught up in this world. I try harder to please the people around me then pleasing God.

Application: To realize whatever I do should be done in a way that is pleasing to God. I know how and what to do it’s just doing it that’s hard for me. I need to be a God pleaser instead of a man pleaser.

Prayer: Lord may I live the rest of my life in a way that when it’s time for me to come home I may hear you say, “this is my child whom I’m well pleased.”

My Brother and Sister

Scripture: Mark 3:35 whoever does God’s will is my brother and sister and mother

Observation: Jesus gives us a new relationship when we are obedient to God’s will.  Jesus calls us friends and asks us to follow him.  When we do what the Father asks of us we become part of the family.  For me to draw closer to God I must do His will.

Application: I should have a plan to accomplish God’s will in my life.  By reading the Bible I know what God’s will is for my life and what He expects of me.  This needs to be my top priority if I plan on being in his family.

Prayer: My Lord take the distractions of this world away from me so my focus will be on you and what you desire of me.

Their Faith

Scripture: Mark 2:5: When Jesus saw their faith he said to the paralytic, “Son your sins are forgiven.”

Observation: It was the friends faith that healed the man not his.  When we pray for someone they don’t have to be a believer because it’s the faith of the believer praying that God will use.  However when God answers the prayer we need to make it clear what God did for that person.

Application: I need to increase my faith as I pray.  I need to know God is going to answer my prayer with the measure of faith I have.

Prayer: Lord increase my faith and give me a larger heart for others so through my prayers I can make a difference for you.