Category: Daily Devotional

Because You Say So

Scripture: Luke 5: 5 Simon answered, “Master, we’ve worked hard all night and haven’t caught anything. But because you say so, I will let down the nets.”

Observation: I usually make excuses to God why I can’t do something or explain I already tried with no luck. However I’m not like Peter most of the time and go ahead and do what Jesus wants me to do. I believe God wants me to finish the counseling course and start writing again, yet I put it off saying I’m too busy and there are other things to do.

Application: I need to plan on getting the things my Lord wants me to do as first priority. I realize the gifts He has given me and recognize an opportunity when He puts it in my path. I need to pray and listen for direction and complete the tasks He sets before me.

Prayer: Dear Lord give me strength and discipline to fulfill the purpose you have created me for. Show me how to use this depression testimony you have blessed me for your glory.

Worship the Lord

Scripture: Luke 4: 8 Jesus answered, “It is written: `Worship the Lord your God and serve him only.’ ”

Observation: I’ve been using this verse for years whenever I’m tempted or my mind goes astray. Whenever I sin I’m out of God’s grace and in practicality worshiping Satan. Only when I’m not sinning am I worshipping God and when I do His will I’m serving Him.

Application: To be aware of what I’m doing at all times. As soon as I feel myself moving away from God I need to worship him with a prayer, a thank you or simply tell Him how much I love Him.

Prayer: Dear Lord may I serve You only you and may I please you with my thoughts, action and speech, may they glorify you.

I Want to Please God

Scripture: Luke 3: [22] and the Holy Spirit descended on him in bodily form like a dove. And a voice came from heaven: “You are my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased.”

Observation: I know God loves me, but I doubt that He is pleased with me. The decisions I make each day for the most part are selfish. Based on what I want and laziness to avoid doing what God wants. It’s so easy to do nothing instead of stepping out and pleasing God.

Application: My life should reflect the love God has for me. I shouldn’t be able to sit still, but be eager to please God. With little He asked of me, I should be excited about any opportunity to please Him.

Prayer: My God I am your child and servant command me what to do, how to live this life in a way that you would be well pleased.

Treasures in Our Heart

Scripture: Luke 2: 51 Then he went down to Nazareth with them and was obedient to them. But his mother treasured all these things in her heart.

Observation: Mary remembered all the things Jesus did and placed those memories in her heart. She felt the emotions when she thought of what her son did. That is what we are called to do is treasure in our heart what Jesus has done for us. His sacrifice, the miracles He has worked in our lives, past experiences that He has got us through, the people He surrounds us with and not just memories in our minds, but to look back and feel the love He has for us.

Application: I need to be more observant of how God is working in my life and take those moments and treasure them in my heart. Then I need to share them with others.

Prayer: Dear Lord open my eyes to see what you are doing in my life, then store them in my heart.

I’m the Lord’s Servant

Scripture: Luke 1:38 “I am the Lord’s servant,” Mary answered. “May it be to me as you have said.” Then the angel left her.

Observation: Those should be every Christian’s words, I am the Lord’s servant, but not just every once in a while, but at all times. I serve God when it’s convenient for me or if I’m not doing anything else. That’s not what a servant does. A servant is always available to his Master.

Application: I must always be available to my master, always having an ear towards Him so I may hear when He calls me. Being able to say to him, May it be to me as you say.

Prayer: My Lord give me a soft heart, an obedient one that I may honor you in all that I do. Give me an attentive ear to hear your voice. Command your servant.

Lack of Faith

Scripture: Mark 16: 14 Later Jesus appeared to the Eleven as they were eating; he rebuked them for their lack of faith and their stubborn refusal to believe those who had seen him after he had risen.

Observation: At times I feel that is what Jesus wants to do with me, He wants to rebuke me because of all He has done for me I still have a lack of faith and live a life of anxiety and fear. Maybe I’m just stubborn and refuse to let Jesus take over.

Application: I need to freely give Jesus my life as a living sacrifice and allow him to guide me on this journey. I need to stop taking back my control over my life due to my lack of faith.

Prayer: Dear Lord I know you have something to show me. Something you want me to do in your name. Guide this servant and take charge.

Crucify Him

Scripture: Mark 15: 13 “Crucify him!” they shouted.

Observation: I believe the worst pain Jesus endured was the people shouting, “crucify him.” The people He healed, ministered to, loved, and taught were crying out, crucify him. I can imagine Jesus looking out at the crowd and seeing so many familiar faces as they shouted, his heart had to be broken. How many times do we as Christians with our actions, thoughts and talk yell out, “crucify him.”

Application: I want to be that person in the crowd that would yell, save my king.” I want him to look down on the crowd and notice me with tears in my eyes and love in my heart, yelling his name, “save my King.”

Prayer: Dear Lord I know I have hurt you. My actions are of a sinner. Forgive me and lead me on the path, that will glorify you.