Category: Daily Devotional

You Did for Me

Scripture: Mathew 25:40 The King replied, “I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine you did for me.”

Observation: It’s amazing how I can pray each morning and tell God I want to glorify him, give him my best, do His will and please him.  Then I think how I treat his children with harsh judgment, unconcern, putting my wants ahead of others needs.

Application: I need to start looking at others as if it was Jesus, thinking first before I speak or to stop a negative thought about someone.  I need to start living as if I’m standing with Jesus, which I am

Prayer: Lord may I look at everyone through your eyes seeing the beauty you placed in each one of us.

Be Ready

Scripture: Mathew 24:44 So you also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect Him.

Observation: We must be ready.  What does ready mean.  I believe from the time we are saved we have things to accomplish “our Purpose.”  Being ready is being in the midst of doing God’s will to fulfill my purpose.  We may never finish all but we should be doing what God called us to.

Application: I need to get busy doing the things God has called me to do.  I know how to get started and God will guide me, but getting started is hard to do sometimes.  I need to get ready and busy.

Prayer: Lord take the laziness away I know there will not always be a tomorrow to get it done, put a sense of urgency in my spirit.

Humbling Self

Scripture: Mathew 23:12 For whoever exalts himself will be humbled and whoever humbles himself will be exalted

Observation: I feel I’m humble but when I think of the things that happen throughout the day I try to get my own way or think that I’m right.  To be humble is to think of others above yourself and act in a way that honors them and in turn honors God.

Application: I need to let my feeling go and focus on others feelings and needs.  I need to think of myself less and others more.  Need to lay my pride on the alter as a sacrifice to my God.

Prayer: My Lord calm my mind and may my focus be on you.  May my thoughts be on the needs of others and may anyone who meets me leave feeling better of themselves.

Loving God Totally

Scripture: Mathew 22:37 Jesus replied, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all you soul and with all your mind.”

Observation: When I read this I realized how short I am from truly loving God the way I should. All my heart should be above anything or anyone. Even loving my wife should reflect God honoring love to glorify God. All my soul is to be able to worship God for all eternity and to honor God not myself. My mind I should not worry if I truly love God because to do so shows that I don’t trust Him.

Application: I need to live my life with a deep love for God. No matter what is happening in my life He comes first, my only true love.

Prayer: Dear Lord may my love be evident to you at all times that you may never doubt my love for you.

Bearing Fruit

Scripture: Mathew 21:43 Therefore I tell you that the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a people who will produce its fruit

Observation: Even though God is talking to the Pharisees this would also go out to anyone.  If we don’t bear fruit the Kingdom will be taken away.  If we truly confess we are God’s our next reaction, out of love and gratitude should be to bear fruit for God.

Application: To pray and come up with a plan to honor God with the gifts he has given me.  To make a difference “bear fruit” in his name.

Prayer: My Lord show me how to bear fruit in glory and honor to your name.  May the abundance honor you and feed those around me.

To be a Slave

Scripture: Mathew 20:27 and whoever wants to be first must be your slave

Observation: We are called to serve but to be first (to please God the most) we need to take the characteristics of a slave.  Putting the desires of others above our own, giving completely of ourselves.

Application: I need to stop putting so much importance on my time serving myself.  To put off what I want to do when I can be doing something for someone else.  The most precious thing I have on this earth is time and I need to be giving more to others in Jesus’ name.

Prayer: Lord may my focus be on you and your desires for me to serve.  I freely give you my life as a living sacrifice, may it be pleasing to you.

All Things Are possible

Scripture: Mathew 20:26 Jesus looked at them and said,” With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”

Observation: When Jesus said with man this is impossible I realize how much that does happen is only with God’s mercy and grace.  I think of things I’ve accomplished without realizing I could have only done those things because God has given me the ability and opportunity.

Application: I need to stop taking things for granted and assuming I can accomplish things on my own.  When I do something I need to stop and thank God for allowing me to do it.

Prayer: Lord thank you for making me, me with the gifts and abilities you have given me, may I bless you with the way I use these gifts.