Daily Devotional

Crucify Him

Scripture: Mark 15: 13 “Crucify him!” they shouted.

Observation: I believe the worst pain Jesus endured was the people shouting, “crucify him.” The people He healed, ministered to, loved, and taught were crying out, crucify him. I can imagine Jesus looking out at the crowd and seeing so many familiar faces as they shouted, his heart had to be broken. How many times do we as Christians with our actions, thoughts and talk yell out, “crucify him.”

Application: I want to be that person in the crowd that would yell, save my king.” I want him to look down on the crowd and notice me with tears in my eyes and love in my heart, yelling his name, “save my King.”

Prayer: Dear Lord I know I have hurt you. My actions are of a sinner. Forgive me and lead me on the path, that will glorify you.

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