Daily Devotional

Being in Jesus’ Family

Scripture: Mark 3: [35] Whoever does God’s will is my brother and sister and mother.”

Observation: I want to be part of God’s family. I deeply want to do God’s will, but my laziness and fear keep from doing all I need to do.

Application: Right now there are three things I feel God calling me to do. Simple things, a BBQ for a Pastor, a women’s breakfast and food for the CARE camp. Each day I overwhelm myself with thoughts of preparation. This should be my joy not my burden. I get to serve, I have an opportunity to honor God, who has done so much for me by serving others. It’s not a great work of faith but an opportunity to do the will of the Father.

Prayer: Dear Lord I want to be part of your family, the brother of Jesus. Wow what a position. Strengthen me, open my eyes to your will. May I please you today.

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