I Cry Out to You Father
Scripture: Galatians 4 [6] Because you are sons, God sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, the Spirit who calls out, “Abba, Father.”
Observation: I must quench the Holy Spirit each day and because of this I don’t hear Him. I know He lives within me by what touches my heart, yet I don’t live in a way that glorifies God. When I step out in faith and do something for God’s glory I can feel the Holy Spirit, unfortunately it isn’t often enough.
Application: Realize I’m a son of the Almighty God and He wants the best for me. He wants to bless me, but I must do my part. Trust in Him and persevere to live a holy life unto Him.
Prayer: My Lord, my Father draw me closer to You. Fill me with the Holy Spirit and guide me through each day. I’m lost because I stray, help me stay on the path You have chosen for me.