Our Hearts Are Evil
Scripture: Genesis 8: [21] The LORD smelled the pleasing aroma and said in his heart: “Never again will I curse the ground because of man, even though every inclination of his heart is evil from childhood. And never again will I destroy all living creatures, as I have done.
Observation: Today a gunman went into an elementary school in Connecticut and killed 18 children and 8 adults and then himself. This week also a man killed a couple of people in a mall. Every day there is murder and sinful things happening and yet we continue to remove God from our society. That is our evil heart even from our birth. The only thing that can change it is by replacing that evil with Jesus. To receive Him into our heart so there isn’t room for this kind of evil.
Application: I cried when I heard the news today and my thought is we take God out of the school and look what creeps in. I need to be spreading the good news about Jesus as much as I possibly can. I may not be able to make a big difference, but whatever difference is for my Lord and I need to let Him take care of the results.
Prayer: My Lord I ask you to look after the families of this horrible killings. May they find hope in you and draw near to you through this time of trouble. I ask to be used by you to make a difference for You in this terrible place. Give me courage and wisdom to do and say the things that will draw others to you.