Joy in Heaven
Scripture Luke 15:7 I say to you that likewise there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine just persons who need no repentance.
Observation: I wonder what it was like when this sinner finally repented after 46 years of sin. I know God has watched over my life even though I continued to sin and never gave Him a thought. The angels must have looked down all of the times I fell flat on my back and thought this will be the day his eyes will be opened to God, but not yet. I wonder if the angels finally gave up on my repentance because of my hard heart. They must have been surprised that day, but my Father always knew and never gave up on me.
Application: I look back on my life and it was completely godless and self-centered. There was no room in my heart for anything or anybody I was too busy thinking only about me. Six times I tried to end my life, but God wouldn’t hear of it. When I received Jesus as my Lord and savior one of my first prayers was that I was tired of living my life for me and asked if He will help me live the rest of my life for Him. He never let me down.
Prayer Thank you Lord for answering my prayer. I don’t know how much time I have left here, but please use it to glorify You. Thank You for not just the joy in heaven that day, but the joy You placed in my heart.