My God Keeps His Promises
Scripture: Genesis 28: [15] I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go, and I will bring you back to this land. I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you.”
Observation: I have several promise books, these are scriptures with God’s promises in them. I would go through them from time to time to see what promises there are for different situations, then I look back on my life and see all of the promises God has given me. He never leaves me and I know He’s there and I don’t know why He sticks with me, but He does. God has fulfilled so much in my life and asks so little.
Application: Most promises have a condition, something I need to do before God fulfills it. I need to be doing the things He calls me to do, not for more blessings, but to show God how much I appreciate what he has already given me. I’ve broken my word so many times, but I serve a master who is always faithful and I need to tell others about Him.
Prayer: Thank you oh heavenly Father for not quitting on me. I thank you that you love me so much and that you stay with me no matter what. I thank you for all you have given me and I ask for wisdom to know what to do to honor you. Help me run this race in a way that makes you proud.