The Lord Gives Everything
Scripture Deuteronomy 8 [18] But remember the LORD your God, for it is he who gives you the ability to produce wealth, and so confirms his covenant, which he swore to your forefathers, as it is today.
Observation: Most of my life I thought I did it all. I was good in the foodservice industry because that is what I did. I earned money because I deserved it and was good at what I did, but that wasn’t the reality. The reality I could only do what God allowed me to do. There wasn’t anything special about me that was of my own, it all belonged to God. There is no reason to be arrogant, because everything we have and am is from God and it is to be used for His glory not our recognition.
Application: Whenever I get a little cocky I need to stop and thank God for the gifts that He has given me. A lot of my days should be spent in thanks to God for all that I have and that He has allowed me to be here at this time to fulfill a purpose He has created me for. I need to look around at all of the wonderful things and people that surround me and thank God for giving them to me, even though they are only on loan.
Prayer: My Lord thank you for all I have and all that I am. It all comes from you. Show me how to use these things to glorify you and that you will fill me with the Holy Spirit and show me the people you desire me to touch the things you want me to do with the gifts you have given me.