Be Merciful to Me Lord
Scripture Psalms 26:11 But as for me, I will walk in my integrity; Redeem me and be merciful to me.
Observation: How is my integrity? I know I’m not consistent day by day as sometimes I’m loving and others, I’m so angry I swear. I try to always tell the truth, but I’m sure I slip from time to time. I try to do all that I say I will do, but I get lazy. I will walk in my integrity, but my integrity needs to improve before I can honor God. My anxiety level is high, which shows God my lack of trust, yet he always shows mercy or I wouldn’t be here. He is always there for me loving and protecting me filling me with the Holy Spirit. Maybe the reason God doesn’t use me very much is that I’m not ready to be used.
Application: I need to improve my integrity and be the man God desires me to be. I can’t expect to be blessed when I’m not in God’s will all of the time. People need to see that I’m a man of integrity and I will have that opportunity this week. Last Friday I was told that I lost my position at the Army and Navy Academy, because they want someone better to handle the food service. I have this week to train someone to take over so I need to be loving and caring and not bring up anything negative, but be an example that would please my Lord.
Prayer: My Lord make me a better man. Please calm my spirit and give me peace. Open my eyes to what you want me to be help me be a man of great integrity. Please continue to give me mercy and I go through this life. I’m a sinner and deserve nothing, but I thank you that you are always there to life me up. I love You help me show it to others.