May Your Ways Be None
Scripture Psalms 67:2 That Your way may be known on earth, Your salvation among all nations.
Observation: It seems like this world is going backwards when it comes to knowing God. The world rejects God and comes up with different things to worship. We have thrown God out of our schools and places of justice and replaced it with sexual immortality and other perverted things. How can God and His ways be known through all the garbage and false teachings? The gospel was spread through 11 men, students of our Lord so it doesn’t take many to let the earth know God’s way, but it will take dedicated followers that won’t let anything get in their way. We need to pray that we become one of the few that won’t stop until the world hears the truth.
Application: I want, I need to be one of the few that will stand up for Jesus as He stood up for me. He has given me gifts, testimony and talents to be used to tell others about the salvation He has planned for us and what He had to do to get that salvation. This is my top priority, out of all the busyness of the day I need to always be doing something to spread his word and way. My love for my God needs to be obvious to others and I need to be bold in what I say.
Prayer: My Lord you know how easily I get distracted with the things of this world, help me stay focused on you. I freely give you this life as a living sacrifice, may it be Holy and pleasing to you, please take charge and open doors for your servant to make a difference in a world that is falling apart and headed to Hell. Use me my God for I love you and desire to glorify your name.