Daily Devotional

Listen and Turn from Evil

Scripture Jeremiah 26:3 Perhaps everyone will listen and turn from his evil way, that I may relent concerning the calamity which I purpose to bring on them because of the evil of their doings.’

Observation: Not many of us listen to God any more. We are too busy listening to ourselves or the evil that is being spread each day. We don’t listen to God’s words or obey His commands and because of this we are consumed with evil. We give God no choice but to dole out His justice on this wicked world. If only we would listen and repent and turn from our wicked ways, we would be saved.

Application: I need to speak out what God calls me to say and maybe someone might hear. To speak the words of God with love and conviction so that others might hear and turn. I have no authority, but am only a servant of the most high God. The holy Spirit will do his will and hopefully open the eyes of those that do evil.

Prayer Dear Lord you have created my inmost being and have created me into a vessel that You can use. Please use this vessel today to help someone see and hear your word.

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