Daily Devotional

The Hand of the Lord

Scripture Acts 11:21 And the hand of the Lord was with them, and a great number believed and turned to the Lord.

Observation: There is nothing you can’t do if the hand of the Lord is with you, but how do you know if it is. Jesus when he was told his mother and brothers were waiting for Him he said my brothers sister, mother and father are those who obey the Father. So, if we are in obedience to God the Father the hand of the Lord will be with us to accomplish the purpose He has given us.

Application: I need to make sure I’m always in obedience of the Father. He has given me direction and counsel in what I should be doing and I’ve walked with Him long enough to know when I’m out of his will. Get up each day and ask where He wants me to be so that His hand will be upon me.

Prayer My Lord be with me today as I walk along the strand. Be with me as I enjoy the beautiful view You give me and put the people You chose that need to hear your voice. May my thoughts and prayers please You today. Can’t wait to spend time with You.

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