Get Up, Don’t Be Afraid
Scripture: Matthew 17: [7] But Jesus came and touched them. “Get up,” he said. “Don’t be afraid.”
Observation: Jesus has touched my life when I received him as Lord and Savior. I was down most of my life, depressed, broken and afraid. He took me and told me to get up, He lifted me up and guided me. He told me not to fear since He was with me. All that He has done I still fall down and at times I’m still afraid.
Application: My Lord has never failed me and His word says He won’t. I need to stand on that. He lifts me up each day and through the Holy Spirit He guides me through each day. There is no reason to be afraid for He is with me.
Prayer: My Lord continue to touch me each day. Lift me up to fulfill the purpose you created in me. Please take any fear from me and increase my faith as I draw nearer to you.