God’s Protection
Getting Over Depression Journal
Scripture: John 17: [15] My prayer is not that you take them out of the world but that you protect them from the evil one.
Observation: Jesus prayed for me that God the Father would protect me from the evil one. I know Jesus prayers are always answered since He prays the will of the Father. Knowing I’m protected from Satan should eliminate my fear and give me confidence that I’m protected by God. So why am I so worried and filled with anxiety each day?
Application: I need to live my life victoriously through Christ. Confident in my savior that no matter what might happen I am protected by His blood and love. That if anything might happen that there is a reason and I should search for what God wants me to learn.
Prayer: My Lord I thank you for my protection from the evil one. I do belong to you, show me this day how I may accomplish the purpose you have created me for.