Take Courage!
Scripture: Acts 23: 11 The following night the Lord stood near Paul and said, “Take courage! As you have testified about me in Jerusalem, so you must also testify in Rome.”
Observation: The Lord is constantly by my side and tells me to take courage. With God by my side why do I worry so much? What is going on around me that the Lord can’t handle? The Lord has given me a purpose in my life and the only thing that gets in the way is me, my fear, lack of faith, laziness and the desire to do my will over His.
Application: It is each Christian’s responsibility to testify to others about Jesus. To share our testimony to others on how God has saved us and wants to save them. He gives me courage and I need to use it in glory and honor to Him.
Prayer: Dear Lord give me courage this day to fulfill the purpose you have created within me. May I make no excuses but be guided by you this day.