God’s Completed Work
Scripture: Philippians 1:[6] being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.
Observation: Sometimes I wonder if I’m doing anything at all for Christ. I remember times when God used me to touch others, but when is He going to continue to work in me. Then today Teri and I visited a dear brother in the hospital to encourage and bring Christmas gifts for his daughter. His good work is continuing.
Application: I need to be more aware of what God desires of me. Keeping my eyes and heart aware of my surroundings and asking God to lead me. To realize my work is not complete until it’s time to go home to be with my Lord.
Prayer: My Lord continue to work in me and guide me in what you would have me to do. I know You won’t give up on me, may I honor and glorify your name.