The Worst of Sinners
Scripture: 1 Timothy 1: [16] But for that very reason I was shown mercy so that in me, the worst of sinners, Christ Jesus might display his unlimited patience as an example for those who would believe on him and receive eternal life.
Observation: I look back on my life and I feel at times I was the worst of sinners. There was no reason for God to show me mercy. I wanted to end my life, but God loved me and had other plans. My story should be told to others so they may see God still loves even the worst of sinners.
Application: Set goals and look for opportunities to share my testimony with others. Serve God with the love He uses to look after me. Love others enough that I wouldn’t want anyone spending eternity in Hell.
Prayer: My Lord use your servant. I thank you for your mercy and that you loved me so much you wouldn’t let go. Now use me to bring others to your saving grace.