Lack of Faith
Scripture: Mathew 13:58 And he did not do many miracles there because of their lack of faith.
Observation: Jesus still does some miracles, but because of our lack of faith he doesn’t do that many. God has done miracles in my life, but I can only imagine how much more he wants to do but my lack of faith keeps him from doing them. I want Jesus to do the miracles of opening my eyes and doors to ministry he has planned for me, but my doubt that he can use me must hold him back.
Application: That my faith would increase not in my abilities , but in my God. I know I’m here for a purpose and I can see the miracles God has used to get me where I am. I need faith that God will complete the task and use me to glorify him.
Prayer: Dear Lord increase my faith and open my eyes to your plan for my life. Please take this pride, laziness and any other thing away that is keeping me from fulfilling the purpose you have created within me.