Preaching the Gospel
Scripture: Mathew 24:14 And this gospel of the Kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.
Observation: That is my calling to preach the gospel of Christ. God has given me gifts to do just that whether serving food, being part of the counseling ministry or small groups I’m playing my part. However it is so easy to avoid situations that God puts us in to tell someone about my faith and love for Christ and that is when I need the help of the Holy Spirit.
Application: To look for the opportunities to share with others the gospel. To live a life that would honor God and look for opportunities to share. Be in prayer and ask for guidance on how to fulfill that purpose in my life.
Prayer: Dear Lord open my eyes for ways to spread your gospel. May I please you today and bring a smile to your face.