Gospel Must Be Preached
Scripture: Mark 13:10 And the gospel must first be preached to all nations
Observation: That’s my job, to spread the gospel. God has given me one main job, to spread the gospel. He has given me talents and gifts to use. He tells me He is with me and the Holy Spirit will put the right words in my mouth. My job is to speak boldly when given the opportunity, act as Jesus would and make myself available to God at all times.
Application: Remember how I act in front of others that I’m suppose to be representing Jesus not myself. My emotions are not important, but my job to spread the gospel is. My priority is to do the will of the Father and He does not want anyone to perish.
Prayer: Dear Lord use me to spread the gospel. May I not shriek of my responsibilities but glorify you. Give me the courage and wisdom to proclaim the gospel and give me the opportunities to share with others your good news.