The Ax is At the Tree
Scripture: Luke 3:9 The ax is already at the root of the tree that does not produce good fruit will be cut down and thrown into the fire.
Observation: It is not enough to say you received Christ and never produce good fruit or changed. If there is no change in your life you didn’t receive him into your heart, you only said the words. In the Word, Jesus says go away for I never knew you. When I received Christ into my life he changed me. I couldn’t swear any more, he gave me a giving heart and allowed me to see others through his eyes. I still have a choice to use these new insights and gifts or not.
Application: God has blessed me so much I want to honor him and give back. I need to make a stronger effort to honor him by producing good fruit.
Prayer: Dear Lord I thank you for your love and changing me, giving me a heart for you. Please continue to work in me to fulfill the purpose you have given me.