Appointed for Eternal Life
Scripture: Acts 13:48 When the Gentiles heard this, they were glad and honored the word of the Lord; and all who were appointed for eternal life believed.
Observation: I don’t know how it happens but God appointed me for eternal life, which I don’t deserve. He never gave up on me and for some reason wanted me to spend eternity with him. What could possibly make me so special that God would want me with him forever? Nothing, his love is something I will never understand or deserve.
Application: I am here for a purpose, created specifically for my Lord. I need and want to bear fruit and fulfill all that God desires of me. To bring as many people to His loving grace and mercy and my time is running out I need to get busy.
Prayer: My God I do love you with all my heart, mind and soul even though I don’t show it and give you the obedience you deserve. Fill me with the Holy Spirit and make me this man that pleases you.